Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Lemurian Seed Crystal - The African Perspective

The Lemurian Seed Crystal - The African Perspective

The Seeds are Harvested - Lemurians Resurface on the Planet
Every now and then, a previously unknown species of sacred stone will surface on the planet. In the year 2000, a new type of quartz was unearthed in Minas Gerias, Brazil. They have become to be known as 'The Lemurian Seed Crystals', and are the hottest crystals on the market now - multitudes are being attracted to these stones and are actively seeking them. Beyond seeking the actual crystals, many are searching for information on these sacred stones so that they may better overstand their mystical nature. However, because they are relatively new on the scene - having surfaced less than three years ago - there is not much information available on them.
In the year 2000, Katrina Raphael, author of the trilogy Crystal Enlightenment, Crystal Healing, and The Crystalline Transmission, wrote an article and posted it on her website entitled "The Lemurian Seed Crystals". Most of the information available subsequently has been a rehashing of Katrina's visions on the Lemurians. Although her visions are valuable, and Katrina is definitely at-one with the mineral nation as is reflected by her works, the spirit of the Lemurians has inspired this humble scribe to build on the Science of Lemurians revealed thus far.
The Features of Seed Crystals
Lemurian Seed crystals were found at the top of a hill that was being strip-mined for sacred stones. They are unlike any clear quartz found in all of Brazil. Usually, clear quartz grows in attached clusters from a silica-based matrix. Clear quartz usually has to be cleaned of a covering of iron oxide that tends to leech around quartz crystals as they grow. Also, it is rare to find optically clear quartz near the surface of the Earth. Quartz that is unearthed during strip mining tends to be milky or clouded to the eye because, being exposed to temperature changes that causes repeated expansion and contraction of the stone, they tend to absorb water into their bodies. The water milks the crystal with a cloudy appearance that makes it semi-translucent.
The nature of Lemurians defies all of these natural tendencies of clear quartz. First of all they were found buried in sand already detached from cluster matrixes. They are referred to as seed crystals because they were found 'planted' in ordered rows in the sand not far below the surface. These planted stones did not have a coating of iron oxide, and even though they were near the surface of the planet, many were optically clear. Those that are not optically clear are not milky like regular quartz - they have a frosted coating on or near the surface that is sometimes reddish pink.
Lemurian have other unique features. They are usually textured with a series of horizontal striations (etched lines) that run down the shaft of the stone. Moreover, within the texture created by the striations intermixed with the frosted coating on the surface of the stone are pyramidal images. It gives the impression of a field of pyramids, like the view of the entire Great Pyramid complex of Giza, or the pyramid cities of Napata in Nubia. The pyramidal images cast on the shafts of Lemurians are the most mystical of their physical features. To gaze on them recalls ancient memories to the mind.

What is Lemuria?
'Lemuria' (a French word that means "Land of The Moors") is an antediluvian nation (A nation that existed before the Great Flood) that memory of has been retained by various cultural traditions. In Western terms, Lemuria is supposed be a continent that was once where the Pacific Ocean is now located. It connected India, East Africa, and South America. It is also referred to as Gondwanaland, the lost continent below the Pacific. Lemuria is supposed to be the most ancient of nations and the original birthplace of humanity. When this continent sank due to cataclysmic Earth changes, a remnant of humanity was saved and founded what is known as Atlantis. Atlantis is considered another antediluvian nation. Ancient Egyptian civilization is supposed to be the offspring of Atlantis, a remnant escaping its cataclysmic sinking to the bottom of where the Atlantic Ocean is currently located.
Most of the Western World's knowledge of Antediluvian cultures comes from the Greek Philosophers Aristotle and his mentor Solon. Solon learned of Atlantis while studying with the priests of Sais - the school of priests within lower Kemet. These Kemetic Priests recounted to Solon the story of a great and mighty nation whose power and authority stretched around the entire planet. This nation was destroyed by a cataclysmic Earth change that caused massive flooding. However, before recounting these historical accounts to Solon, they ridiculed him and Greek history, for they considered Solon and his kindred 'children'.
O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are but children… As for the genealogies of yours, which you have recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children; for in the first place; you remember one deluge only, whereas there were many of them….
This statement is very important when considering Atlantis and Lemuria. If Solon's source for information on Atlantis and Lemuria is Kemetic, Egyptian historical accounts should be explored for a more accurate overstanding of these antediluvian nations.
What Does Kemetic Sources Reveal of Antediluvian Culture?
'Egyptologists' like to paint the picture that Kemetic High Culture sprang up suddenly with the 1st Dynasty of Menes/Aha around 3100 BCE (some say 4240 BCE). However, Kemetic accounts of their history date back around 33,000 to 52,000 years before the First Dynasty was founded.
One source is referred to as The Royal Papyrus of Turin, which lists all of the Kings who ruled Kemet from Menes through the New Kingdom of the 18th Dynasty. However, before this royal list, they have recorded the rule of Ten 'Neter' - Ptah, Ra, Shu, Geb, Asar, Set, Heru, Tehuti, Maat, and Heru who reigned on the planet. These Neter were said to have collectively ruled for 23,200 years. Following the rule of Gods are Nine Dynasties of Shemsu Hor: 'Followers of Heru'. The Followers of Heru are depicted as Demi-Gods; immortal humans who were the children of the Neter. They ruled for 13,420 years before the reign of Menes. The Papyrus of Turin as a result accounts for 33,620 years of 'pre-history'.
Diodorus of Sicily, in his Library of History, says that Kemetic sources he spoke to chronicled a rule of Gods and Heroes that lasted 18,000 years. Divine Humans then ruled for a span of 15,000 years, for a span of 33,000 years of culture before the reign of Menes.
Herodotus chronicles a reign of 340 Dynasties of Kings and High Priests who ruled Kemet before Hellenistic occupation. He says that the Kemetic Priests he spoke to said, "...On four separate occasions, the Sun moved from its wonted course, twice rising where it now sets, and twice setting where it now rises...." This is reference to the Precession of the Equinoxes, a phenomena caused by the Earth's wobbly rotation. The wobble in the Earth's rotation causes the zodiacal constellations that are on the Eastern Horizon at Sunrise on the Equinox to change over time. It takes about 2,160 years for the Equinox sunrise to process through one sign, and about 25,690 years to move 360 degrees through all 12 signs of the Zodiac. This means that the Kemites have a chronology that dates back about 52,000 years (two full Precessions of the Equinox).
There is more: Manetho chronicles 15,150 years of 'Divine Dynasties and 9,777 years of mortal Kings before Menes. This totals 24,927 years of History. Another Kemetic chronologer of antiquity - George the Syncellus, recounts that the Kemites possessed a tablet that chronicled thirty dynasties preceded by a reign of Neter - all of which occurred during twenty-five "Sothic Cycles". Sothic Cycles are also known as the "Long Year", which records the movement of the helical rising of Sirius through the dates of the civil calendar. Every four years, the helical rising of Sirius (the day Sirius is on the Eastern horizon as the Sun rises) occurs one calendar day later. This occurs because a civil calendar year is 365 days; but a solar year is actually 365 ¼ days long. Therefore, if a 'leap year' were not incorporated into the civil calendar, solar events (Equinoxes/solstices/ helical risings of stars) would occur one day later every four years.
The Kemites tracked Sirius' helical rising as it moved through the civil calendar. They noted that if the helical rising occurred on July 23rd for example, it would take 1,461 years for the helical rising to occur on that date again. This 1,461-year period is the "Sothic Long Year".
25 times 1,461 years is approximately 36,525 years of chronicled History.
However, within all of these chronicles, there is no mention of 'Atlantis'. From where does the Kemetic root origin of this word spring? Gerald Massey in Ancient Egypt: Light of the World explores the language of the Nile Valley for a root of the Greek term Atlantis. He says that Atlantis is a compound word composed of two Kemetic terms: Atl-Antu. Atl is associated with water, and implies a limit or boundary marked by water. Massey says that Antu denotes a measure of land, nome, or mound. Therefore, the seven islands of Atlantis were the seven nomes of Kemet; canals and/or rivers defined the boundaries of these city-states. Massey continues:
And among the nomes of Egypt we find the nome of the Prince of Annu; the nome of the Prince of Lower Egypt; the nome of Supti (Sut); the nome of Sanhutit (Heru); the nome of Sebek; the nome of Shu; the nome of Hapi. Here then, if anywhere on earth, we find a geographical prototype for the Atlantis that was lost in seven islands, according to the records kept by the astronomers, which are preserved in the mythography…
So, in this sense, the Antediluvian Land is the Nile Valley topography from its origins in the Great Lakes South all the way North to the Delta; and Atlantis refers to a time before the Flood Waters in Kemet.
Reaffirming this perspective is an account of a 'Great Deluge' in Kemetic tradition that clearly identifies the antediluvian geography. In the Book of Coming Forth By Day (Egyptian Book of the Dead), Chapter CLXXV recounts the Destruction of Mankind by Ra-Temu. Ra-Temu is dismayed at humanity because some rebels were plotting to overthrow his supremacy. He ascends above the Earth's surface in his 'Ark of a Million Years', and commanded Sekhet the heavenly lioness to unleash the waters of heaven and flood the planet. Sekhet does so, and the waters flood the seven nomes of mankind from Henensu in Upper Kemet (Edfu, the Greek Herakleopolis) all the way north to the nome of Lower Egypt.
There is archeological evidence that supports that the Nile Valley has been completely inundated. For example, seashells have been unearthed in the sands right by the Great Pyramid of Giza. Moreover, the Sphinx of Giza shows definite signs of water erosion, even though it never rains in the Nile Valley. The pattern and position of the erosion indicates that the lower portion of the Sphinx - from the base of the neck down - was under water.

If Upper and Lower Kemet were flooded out, the remnants of an antediluvian civilization would logically settle further South. The topography of the Nile Valley is such that the southern origins of the Nile are in highlands. The Nile descends - particularly abruptly at three cataracts/water falls - and travels through the high-plains of the Sudan north through the low-plains of Egypt to the Mediterranean. Throughout the many deluges that were mentioned by the priests of Sais to Solon, the Ethiopian highlands have been the safe harbor place where a seed of hue-manity could survive and replenish the earth. These Ethiopian highlands and Sudanese plains were also the home of the Antediluvian kings, or the Atlanteans. More than likely, the ancient city-states of Kerma, Napata and Meroe were the centers of Atlantean high culture.

Plato's recounting of his encounter with the Kemetic Priests reaffirms this perspective:
O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are but children, and there is never an old man who is a Hellene. Solon, hearing this said, 'What do you mean?' 'I mean to say that in mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you the reason of this: there have been, and there will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes.... Great conflagration of things upon the earth recurring at long intervals of time: when this happens, those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the sea-shore; and from this calamity the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour, saves and delivers us. (Emphasis added) When, on the other hand, the gods purge the earth with a deluge of water, among you herdsmen and shepherds on the mountains are the survivors, whereas those of you who live in cities are carried by the rivers into the sea; but in this country neither at that time nor at any other does the water come from above [rain] the fields, having always a tendency to come up from below [well up from within the Earth - Amen-ta], for which reason the things preserved here are said to be the oldest.....
Ta-Neter: The Kemetic Lemuria
Kemetic cosmology - the chronicling of creation and divine origins of humans - reveals more about Antediluvian High Culture. According to Kemetic tradition, their earliest ancestors were a people called the Anu. The Anu originated in the highlands of the Upper Nile region where the Blue and White Nile begin. The Anu, 'The Fish People', also known as "The Black-Headed", founded a nation in this Edenic region named Ta-Neter: Land of the Gods. The Kemites also called these regions Apta: 'The Summit of the Earth'. Apta is the Original Mountain of the Gods, the Kemetic Mount 'Hetep', the Hindu Mount Meru (Meroe), and the Greek Mount Olympus. This region is a vast plateau in modern Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, and Eastern Zaire. The average altitude of these regions is 5000 feet above sea level. The runoff of the Great Lakes in these regions is the source of the White Nile.
In Kemetic cosmology, Ta Neter is depicted as an Earthly paradise where the Hue-man Gods who lived there were immortal. This original Garden of Eden was a place where water and vegetation were in continual abundance. In this Kush oasis, fresh water perpetually wells up from Amen-ta - the Underworld.
According to the Kemetic Star Clock that measures the Precession of the Equinoxes, the Anu had to found Ta-Neter either 26,000 years ago or 52,000 years ago (Since the Anu are referred to as the 'Fish People', they probably founded their culture in the Age of Pisces, which last occurred from circa 26,000-24,000 years ago. The one prior was about 52,000 BCE).
Ta-Neter is more than likely the actual Lemuria - the very first antediluvian nation. Modern archeological and anthropological research into the origins of humanity all point to highland plateaus of Eastern Africa as the birthplace of humanity, verifying Kemetic chronicles and reaffirming the consistency of Lemuria being this land.
Ta-Seti: The Kemetic Atlantis
Kemetic cosmology chronicles that around 19,000 years ago, in the Age of Sagittarius according to the Precession of the Equinoxes, a nation called Ta-Seti was founded. Ta Seti literally means 'Land of Set'. It was also known as the 'Land of the Bow' and its icon symbol was the arched bow.
The land of the Bow was in Eastern-Central Africa north of Ta-Neter, but still south of Kemet Proper. This region of the White Nile begins when the 'Mountain Nile' of Ta Neter runs down to the plains of the Sudan. This begins abruptly at the sixth cataract, near modern-day Khartoum, Sudan. Ta-Seti extended north to around the 1st-2nd cataract, this northern extension ending at the southern frontier of Kemet.
More than likely, the nation of Ta-Seti is the mythical Atlantis. Several classical sources lend credence to this. Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, says that the Ethiopians were originally known as the Atlantae.
As stated, much of what is known about Atlantis in the West comes from the accounts of Aristotle and Solon, the well-known Greek philosophers. Solon learned of Atlantis while studying with the priests of Sais - the school of priests within lower Kemet. The Priests relate to Solon that about 9000 years prior to Hellenistic times, a mighty nation arose which practically conquered the whole world. Its territory stretched throughout the entire African continent (Libya from the Straits of Hercules in the West to Kemet in the East). This nation also consumed "the whole of Europe and Asia".
According to Solon, the progenitor of Atlantis was a God: Poseidon. He mated with a mortal human and begot ten children. The last of the ten was named Atlas, whom became an immortal king over Atlantis. Solon said that for a long time, the Atlanteans were righteous. However, over time, they grew vain, weak, and greedy. It is said that Poseidon created a large island over the Atlantic Ocean for the rulers of Atlantis to reign from. They built elaborate palaces and temples that were covered in gold, silver, tin, and brass. The Atlanteans dug all manner of metal and stone from the Earth, including a special stone named orichalum. They were aggressive warriors with advanced technologies, and exploited the entire planet.
The God Zeus grew vex with Atlantean exploits, and in one day destroyed its world supremacy: "...Afterward there occurred violent earthquakes and floods, and in a single day and night of rain...the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared, and was sunk beneath the sea..."
Comparing Greek mythoforms to their original cosmological characters in Kemet, Poseidon corresponds to Nun: The male ruler of celestial and terrestrial waters. Nun was the national deity of the Nile Valley in distant antiquity, around 21,730-19,570 BCE during the Age of Capricorn according to the Precession of the Equinoxes. The Age of Capricorn is the Age prior to the Age of Sagittarius, (the Precession of the Equinoxes travels retrograde - backward through the zodiac) the age in which Ta-Seti (Land of the Bow) emerged. Therefore, Nun (Poseidon), being ruler of the previous age, is considered the Father of Atlas (Atlantis/Ta-Seti).
Therefore, it can be deduced from Solon's account of Atlantis that Ta-Seti was founded in the Age of Sagittarius, around 19,500 BCE. The nation was righteous for close to 10,000 years, at which time it grew corrupt, culminating in the catastrophic events Solon says occurred around 9000 years prior to Grecian times.
9000 years prior to Solon's age is about 9500 BCE. According to the Precession of the Equinoxes, this time frame would fall within the Age of Leo.
Placing a cataclysmic flooding in this Age would shed light on one of the great mysteries about Kemet: The Sphinx. The Sphinx is a Lion-Headed monolithic (one stone) monument found near the Great Pyramid complex in Giza, Lower Kemet. It is a known fact that the Sphinx was not constructed during Pharaohnic Kemet. It would be anachronistic (out of synch with time) to create a Lion-Headed edifice in the Age of Taurus, when Pharaohnic Kemet was founded. All edifices of this age were made in the image of a Bull, calf or cow. Moreover, there are no references to the Sphinx at all during the Early and Middle Kingdom Periods. It is not until the 18th Dynasty that Tutmosis IV had a dream in which the 'Khar' revealed himself and asked him to unearth him. Tutmosis did so and excavated the buried temple. He recorded the deed on a stone tablet around 1400 BCE, and this if the 1st reference to the Khar since Menes founded Kemet around 4240BCE.
Furthermore, it was stated that the erosion visible on the Khar is clearly caused by water, not sand or wind. Sand and wind erosion would cause randomly placed spots of erosion that would be most prevalent at the top of the structure. However, the sphinx has striated (lined) patterns of erosion that starts from the bottom and rises to the top. Only continual submersion in waves of water causes this type of erosion. Add to this that sea shells are found in the sand around this temple, it is almost conclusive that about 11,000 years ago - in the Age of Leo according to the Precession of the Equinoxes - there was a highly advanced culture in the Nile Valley that was submerged in a flood and subsequently buried in seas of sand.

There is yet another significant archeological piece of evidence that supports this: The Zodiac of Dendera. This is a circular set of mdu ntr that depicts in astrological symbols the nature of the historical ages in the Nile Valley. On the zodiac of Dendera, the Lion, symbol for Leo, is riding in a boat. This shows within Kemetic chronicling of the Ages, the Sign Leo is associated with a time of flooding.

Zulu Reaffirmations from Credo Mutwa
Credo Mutwa, the last Sangoma - Keeper of Culture - for the Zulu Nation, shares the Zulu account of Lemuria and Atlantis. He says this story comes from the 'The Wise Ones of the Bakongo [and] The Holy Ones of Kariba Gorge'. These are two African peoples who live in the original territory of Ta-Neter. They say that they - the Bantu (Anu) - are the first humans on the planet. They say originally everybody looked the same and spoke the same language. There was no giant Wa-tutsi, or short Ba-twa, yellow Khoisan Bushman, or long-bearded Arabi. There was peace in the sky, peace in the forest. Man was one with wild animals, and did not fear them. There were no feelings like anger and hate, greed or selfishness (Ancient Lemuria/Ta-Neter).
However, a terrible thing happened one day. A beautiful woman named Kei-Lei-Si gave birth to a deformed child. It had only one eye and one nostril. Its mouth was twisted to one side, with drool slobbering from it copiously. Its limbs were stumped and stiff, and its torso distended. The sacred birds of the land told Kei-Lei-Si to destroy the monster, because they sensed that - beyond looking beastly - the soul in this thing was pure evil. Kei-Lei-Si refused to believe her child could be evil, so she ran off with her spawn. This evil being is named Zah-Ha-Rrellel, The Wicked.
Kei-Lei-Si took her evil seed and fled to a cave. There, the two lived on crabs and fish that lived in an underwater stream. The evil Zah-Ha-Rrellel did not speak to his mother - the only sounds he made was a disturbing gurgling whistle while he breathed. However, one day Kei-Lei-Si left the cave for a while to gather some materials. When she returned, she heard Zah-Ha-Rrellel humming a bizarre tune. When she looked closely, she realized he was actually incanting a strange metallic being into existence. She screamed in horror, wishing she had listened to the Kaa-U-La birds. However, it was too late. The metallic zombie of Zah-Ha-Rrellel, a tokoloshe pounced on the defenseless mother. A strange needle-like object came out of it and plunged deep in Kei-Lei-Si's belly. It sucked out all of her ovaries, and with them the evil one generated thousands of demonic beast. Kei-Lei-Si's last sight before she died was four winged tokoloshes carrying Zah-Ha-Rrellel aloft out of the cave.
The Kaa-U-La birds, when they saw the wicked one and his army of zombie-demons leave out of the cave, amassed an army and waged war against them. However, the metallic claws and saber-like tails of the tokoloshe decimated the beautiful birds. As they slew the birds, the tokoloshes would suck the blood out of them, and then spawn hundreds more of their kind in the process.
Humanity knew not evil, they had no concept of war, fighting, and conflict. The first humans stood defenseless against the wicked one. Zah-Ha-Rrellel made himself King of the planet, and ruler of all people. The name of Zah-Ha-Rrellel 's Empire was called Amarire or Murire. He deceived humanity by saying that God sent him to uplift humanity out of primitive existence. He would build shelters for them, kill off all of the dangerous animals, and create metal slaves to cultivate the land. People no longer had to do anything to live - they did not have to grow their food, cook their food, light a fire, or even walk long distances. Everything they wanted was automatically provided for them.
However, laziness began to decay the health of these lavish-living people. They began to lose mobility in their limbs, and they grew grotesquely fat. Over time, they also lost the ability to reproduce. So Zah-Ha-Rrellel taught them wicked things - like how to take other people's body parts and the secrets of immortality through blood-sucking and genetic manipulation.
Ma, The 'Great Spirit that Lives in the Tree of Life' saw the wickedness of Murire, and decided to send them a message. She sent rain clouds to cover the whole planet and a great flood that submerged half of the Wicked Empire in one day. Zah-Ha-Rrellel commanded his metallic and sub-human tokoloshe to create giant ships - each one over a hundred miles long. On these floating masses the wicked one built cities of pure gold, and created an artificial Sun to light the sky below the clouds. He then did something inconceivable. Zah-Ha-Rrellel thought that if he could capture the Great Spirit that Lives in the Tree of Life, he would not only be ruler of planet Earth, but also ruler of Eternity and the Universe. So, he conjured up a metallic army of flying insects. They resembled giant horseflies crossed with hornets. Stingers came from out of the mouths and hind parts of these beasts. He then transported them to the celestial home of Ma. There they attacked and slashed until they separated the Great Mother of Heaven from her home. They then brought her back to Earth.
However, this was Zah-Ha-Rrellel's fatal move, for the mere presence of the Ma on the planet caused massive Earth changes to occur. Ma, in her anger and rage, called out to the planet to help her. Massive Earthquakes resounded, volcanic eruptions exploded, whole landmasses sunk. The chaos of the revolting Earth awakened the Tokoloshes out of their zombie-like enslavement. They rose up and rebelled against their evil oppressor. One in particular - Odu, took a double-headed axe and cut out the heart and lungs of Zah-Ha-Rrellel as massive waves of waters flooded out the remaining areas of the empire. Amarire was no more - Murire was destroyed completely.
The accounts of the Ba-Kongo and the Tonga-Ile (the Holy Ones of Kariba Gorge) are consistent with Solon's account of Atlantis, and have definite correspondences with Kemetic cosmology. Within Kemetic cosmology, Zah-Ha-Rrellel is the Kemetic Set. According to Kemetic cosmology, the Setians were once noble, and Set was a favored Neter of the Most High in Kemetic cosmology - Ra. However, over time Set's character became wicked, and depending on the age of the cosmology, Set is depicted in one of three ways:
Rebelling against Ra his Heavenly Father:
Engaging in perpetual warfare against his brother Heru;
Killing his brother Asar and abdicating his throne.
That fact that such a detailed account of Murire (Mu - Lemuria) that is consistent with the tales of Lemuria/Atlantis is found in the region that was formerly Ta-Neter - the Tonga-Ile are originally from Northern Zimbabwe near Lake Kariba; the Ba-Kongo stretch from these same regions East to the Crystal Mountains of the Congo River Basin - is very significant, and is yet another reaffirmation that antediluvian civilization was centered in Africa, not sunken continents in the Ocean.
The Wise One Of the Ba-Kongo and Holy Ones of Kariba as African-Crystal Earth Keepers
Another significant factor to consider when looking at the region of Ta-Neter/Ta-Seti as the center of Lemurian/Atlantean culture is that the contemporary inhabitants of these regions are crystal-keepers just like the fabled Atlanteans & Lemurians are portrayed as being.
The capitol of the Ba-Kongo Nation, Mbanza, is situated in a range of mountains called the Crystal Mountains. These are a range of mountains situated about 200 miles East of where the Congo feeds into the Atlantic. The priests of the Ba-Kongo maintained their shrines in giant crystal caves deep in the mountain - huge caverns that were walls of shiny quartz points. These caves were illuminated naturally. In these sacred vaults of the Earth, Ba'Kongo priests would create elaborate ancestral shrines and alters to various deities. They would perform rituals that kept the planet in balance with the space-time continuum, as well as combat the forces of wickedness and corruption on the planet. (For more in-depth reasonings on the Ba-Kongo, check out
"The Ba'kongo Nation from the Crystal Mountains of Congo, West-Central Africa: Little-Known
Ancestral Source of Crystal High Science among Africans-in-America").

The Tonga-Ila, also known as the Ba'Tonga, performed similar functions in crystal caves in South-Eastern Africa. The Ba'Tonga are considered the Elder branch of all Ba'ntu who live South of the Limpopo River. They are highly revered among the Ba'ntu throughout the Continent. Credo Mutwa says that the Tonga-Ila were "...famous for their power of settling disputes without using weapons, famous for their legends, their songs, and the degree to which they had developed the Great powers of the human brain... Tonga-Ila men could walk unmolested into the heat of a savage tribal fight and command both warring sides to lay down their weapons - and the fight would stop immediately..."
The Tonga-Ila lived in Kariba Gorge, a large, rocky outcropping that the Zambezi river runs through. Kariba is a most sacred land to the Ba'Ntu. They consider it "The Naval of the Earth" because they noticed that it was an equidistant migration from the land of Katanga, Nyasa, Mashona, and Zambia.
Moreover, Kariba Gorge was considered the Gates of the Underworld. There was a crevice of two rocks from which one could hear the raging of a Great underground river deep in the Earth. The river - Lulungwa Mangakatsi, or "The river that flows down below", led to the path to the spirit-world within the planet.
There was also a very sacred cave in Kariba known as "the Knot of Time". This cave was a place where the Past, Present, and Future all came together and was held in balance. It too was a crystal cave, where the sacred priests who maintained it could see the visions of time. (These sacred sites are referred to in the past tense because the wicked Cecil Rhodes commissioned a dam to be built on the Zambezi, which flooded the Kariba Gorge and displaced/killed, the Tonga-Ila. These sacred sites are now under Kariba Lake.)
Extraterrestrial Origins of African People
What does the Lemurian Seed Crystals have to do with the Ba-Kongo, the Tonga-Ila, and their sacred crystal caves? The answer lies in the extraterrestrial origins of African People.
African-centered scholars have not adequately explored the extraterrestrial origins of African people. A strange phenomena has occurred within the Ebony towers. African-centered scholars, in their zeal to claim the Nile Valley cultures of Kemet and Kush as Classical African civilizations, rejected any research that indicated that Kemetic civilization appeared extraterrestrial in its origin. The response was that this was yet another Euro centric attempt to once again deny the African a place in History; for if Europeans are not responsible for Kemetic culture, then extraterrestrials are.
This line of reasoning is contrary to the concept of African Deep Thought manifested by Dr. Jacob Carruthers, and it is particularly contrary to the beliefs and teachings of our African ancestors. For almost every indigenous African cultural group acknowledges that the first African Ancestors to walk this planet came from the stars.
Credo Mutwa says it clearly: "...The people of Rwanda, the Hutu people, as well as the Watusi people, state, and they are not the only people in Africa who state this, that their very oldest ancestors were a race of beings whom they called the Imanujela, which means "the Lords who have come". And some tribes in West Africa, such as a Bambara people, also say the same thing. They say that they came from the sky, many, many generations ago, a race of highly advanced and fearsome creatures, which looked like men, and they call them Zishwezi. The word Zishwezi means the dival or the glidal-creatures that can glide down from the sky or glide through water. Everybody has heard about the Dogon people in Western Africa who all say that they were given culture by the normal beings, but they are not-the Dogon people are but ONE of many, many peoples in Africa who claim that their tribe or their king were first founded by the supernatural race of creatures that came from the sky... The Zulu people, who are famous as a warrior people, the people to whom King Shaka Zulu, of the last century, belonged. When you ask a South African White anthropologist what the name of Zulu means, he will say it means "the sky" (laughter), and therefore the Zulu call themselves "people of the sky". That, sir, is non-sense. In the Zulu language, our name for the sky, the blue sky, is sibakabaka. Our name for inter-planetary space, however, is izulu and the weduzulu, which means "inter-planetary space, the dark sky that you see with stars in it every night", also has to do with traveling, sir. The Zulu word for traveling at random, like a nomad or a gypsy, is izula. Now, you can see that the Zulu people in South Africa were aware of
the fact that you can travel through space-not through the sky like a bird-but you can travel through space...
The Dogon of Mali are clear and explicit on the exact star system, which is our original homeland: the Sirius Star system. The Dogon dwell in a mountainous terrain near the border of Mali and Upper Volta in West Africa. The Dogon revealed some of their cosmological science through their interaction with two French anthropologists: Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen. Most of Griaule and Dieterlen's work has been translated into English in the two books, Conversations with Ogotemmeli and The Pale Fox. The Dogon have been the center of anthropological debate, for they have knowledge of the Sirius Star system that Western Scientist was able to confirm only by using high powered telescopes.
The Dogon say that the first eight Ancestors - the Nommo, amphibious beings who were like a cross between dolphins and humans - traveled from Sirius to Earth in a pyramidal-shaped craft called the Kora-Na. Beyond carrying the Unum (progenitors) of Hue-manity, the Kora-Na also contained the seeds of eight 'celestial grains' - millet, black rice, chickpea, teff, sorghum, wheat/kamut, brown rice, maize, and gungun /pidgeon pea. The Dogon say that the Kora-Na contained all of the materials, information and science hue-manity would need for making Earth's environment compatible and conducive for human existence. (For more information on Dogon cosmology, check Dogon and Zulu High Science:
Keys to Overstanding History, Mystery, and Prophecy.)
The Lemurians As Seed Crystals from the Sirius Star System
This is a theory on the Lemurian Seed Crystals, explained in a step-by-step chronological order:
• The Extraterrestrial ancestors known as the Nommo/Anu/Imanujela travel from the Sirius Star System to planet Earth in the Kora Na: Ark of the Pure Earth.
• In order to make Earth's environment more suitable to their bodies, the Nommo/Anu plant Lemurian Seed Crystals and 8 'celestial' grains at various points around the planet.
• Kariba Gorge, Zimbabwe; Crystal Mountain, Congo; and Minas Gerias, Brazil are three sites where Lemurians were planted. Wherever the seed crystals are planted, there is a concentration of crystals found in the surrounding Earth, like these three sacred spots mentioned. Minas Gerias, for example, is a seemingly unending source of quartz of various forms (clear, amethyst, smoky, citrine, Elestials), tourmalines, topazes, beryl, pyrite/hematite formations, and several other varieties of sacred stones.
• 'Seed' crystals catalyze further crystallization that occurs within the crust of the planet. The most prevalent element within the Earth's crust is silica (34% of the crust is silica). As a result, most of the crystalline formations that occur on the planet's crust is quartz crystal (quartz is silica and oxygen). Quartz crystal is piezoelectric, meaning that it emits electrical energy/impulses when pressure (piezo) is exerted upon it. The weight of the Earth under which quartz is buried causes it to release intense electrical impulses. Once a certain amount of the Earth's crust is crystallized, the newly formed crystals began to emit an energy field around the planet. The collective of these quartz impulses creates an intense field of charged particles that circulate approximately 60 miles above the Earth's surface: the ionosphere.
• Through the ionosphere and the catalyzed crystals that formed around the planet, the Lemurian seed crystals act as an organizing force that manages the various life forms of Earth's biosphere. They orchestrate the symbiosis that occurs within Earth's ecosystem. It is this symbiosis of various plant and animal life forms that makes planet Earth's environment suitable for humanity.
• The original people of Lemuria - The Ta-Neterians - Anu - Ba-ntu - Mu-rians - Muririans - were crystal-keepers of these most sacred stones. They used seed-crystals similar to the way Christopher Reeve's version of Superman used the Crystal his parents sent with him in his space ship. Once he landed on Earth and came of age, he went to a cave and threw his crystal into an ice formation. A huge crystal cave formed, and through this natural crystal palace, the soon to be superhero learned knowledge of self; was able to communicate with his ancestors/deceased parents; access volumes of historical information pertaining to his people and why he was on earth; and ultimately activate his superhuman powers.
The Uses of Lemurian Seed Crystals
Based on this interpretation of what the Lemurian Seed Crystals are, here are some potential uses:
• Lemurians are natural stones to use when attempting to heal communities, collectives of people, certain animal species, environments and ecosystems. They tend to harmonize the environment and promote symbiotic living between diverse-yet-complimentary life forms. To accomplish this, get 4 Lemurians (as large as possible) and create grids in the area that needs to be harmonized. A grid is a symmetrical and balanced placement of various crystal formations. Sacred sounds, symbols, and other stones may compliment the Lemurian grid. Tune into the Lemurians through spending quiet time with them and follow intuitive guidance as to how to place the grid and what to use as compliments.
• Lemurians can be used by individual persons to:
-Connect with their Extraterrestrial Ancestors in the Sirius Star system;
-Recall ancient memories about the various ages of the planet and the various incarnations one has experienced.
-Awaken latent/dormant mind-powers such as telepathy, extra-sensory perception, clairvoyance and clairaudience.
-Invoke protection from the elements of the planet.
-Connect with the planet and be attune to Earth-changes, weather-patterns, safe water and food sources, and gain visions of survival.
-Heal and unify their personal space/time continuum (total recall of past experiences, a clear vision of the future, & a purposeful present).
Again, tune into the Lemurians through spending quiet time with them and follow intuitive guidance as to what to do with the stones to facilitate this process.
To be custodians of a Lemurian Seed Crystal is a serious thing not to be taken lightly. Woe onto the one who attempts to invert the positive polarity and harmonizing intention of Lemurians. To use these stones inharmoniously is to ensure ones' insanity and dementia. These crystals are mission-oriented and will not allow anybody to prevent them from fulfilling their mission - creating a harmonized and healthy biosphere for both humanity and the planet as a whole.
I pray this information is enlightening and empowering. It is presented with all honest intention. One Love.

The primary source for this work is intuitive inner-communication with the Lemurian Seed Crystals. However, I have grounded this inner-communication with the following ra-search.
Katrina Raphael's website that contains the article on Lemurian Seed Crystals can be accessed at www.CrystalAcademy.org
Solon's account of Atlantis and his conversations with the Priests of Sais is found in:
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World (1817) by Ignatius Donnely
San Francisco: Harper & Row
Information on the Royal Papyrus of Turin, Diodorus of Sicily, Herodotus, and
Manetho's account of Kemetic 'Pre-History' can be found in :
Sacred Science (1961) by R A Schaller Delubicz
New York: Inner Traditions
Kemetic Cosmology as it is reflected in the Procession of the Equinoxes was referenced in the following:
Massey, Gerald (1988 Reprint): Ancient Egypt: Light of the World.
California: Health Research, Inc.
Budge, Wallace. (1967 Reprint): Egyptian Book of the Dead:
New York: Dover Pub.
West, John Anthony (1987): Serpent in the Sky.
New York: Julian Press
Credo Mutwa's valuable information can be found in
Indaba My Children (1964)
New York: Grove Press

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