Monday, November 3, 2008

The Home Stretch

Many people view the world from their own narrow perspective. Many of us understand only what our knowledge allows us. In other words, a person only sees what their minds eye has seen. If i engage a person in a conversation about religion they can only talk about what they know of religion. I might be an expert on religions and know about religion from the beginning to now and be able to talk for days about it. Yet, the person(s) I am talking to will only be able to converse about what little they know. If I want to carry on conversation that goes back and forth I will need to talk with someone who has a great deal of knowledge concerning the subject. Otherwise it will be as if I'm giving a lecture about religion.
Many so called black people as well as white people never thought about or considered what the other thought about the other. Most would never consider the feelings of the other concerning each other. Not until Obama stood tall and gave his now famous speech about race. He made us look at race relations from a new angle instead of from our various narrow viewpoints.
Despite this there are still narrow minded people out there that continue to carry racist views and hatred towards those who are not so called white Americans. It is these that Sarah Palin has rallied and sent out her racist and nationalist trigger words. These are the ones yelling USA and NOBAMA! These are the ones who are shouting all kinds of ignorant things about Obama and blacks.
They have tried all kinds of tricks to slow the momentum of the Obama. They have lied and tried o play on the ignorant minds out there. Yet what is the worst is them using trigger words to incite racist. Because of this Palin should have been taken off of the ticket. In fact McCain should have been removed from the race for it.
However, we are now at the moment of truth. Today is the last day we have to listen to this trash from the republicans. Hopefully they do not win and they fade out for a while.
What we have to do is be patient, wait on the lines and VOTE! Please read the instructions 3 times before you cast your ballot to make sure that you are doing the right thing and that you are voting for the right person(S). This is very important. Do not listen to any one telling how to vote if it is your first time. As well instruct those waiting to vote or going to vote to read the voting instructions. Do not rush. It is only one day out of our lives and it is for a most noble cause.
I want to see tears of joy on the faces of black, white, red, and yellow people tonight and on the morning after. So let us do this the right way!
There are so many people who never thought that they would see this day come. Many fought hard for blacks and women to be able to vote and get a fair shot in this country. It's constitution is flexible enough for us to have come this far from slavery. Those who slaved and died did so laying way for this. So let us not feel left out any more. Let us not find excuses and blame the white man for our down fall(s). We now know that we can do whatever we want to. My mother always instilled that in me. She said that I could and anybody could do and be whatever they desire so long as they worked hard for it. She said go to school and learn all that you can. STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! Whenever I came home with a 75 she would say you can do better than that now go and study some more. When I came back with an 85 or 90 she said you can do better now go back and study some more. She wanted no less than 95 on my test, papers, reports, and projects. She knew that the key was through real data, knowledge, understanding and hard work.
Today we see that in OBAMA's bid for the Presidency of these United States of America. His education and the application of it has paid off. Now America has to take this movement to the next level.
We The PEOPLE, must hold the government to its words in comparison to its deeds. Any elected official who does not do what the people will dictates then the people will get him out elect some one who will. We must make these changes Obama has spoken of happen.

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