Friday, October 3, 2008

It Has Been Written...

It had been told by the ancients that an enemy of nature would come and ruin the earth. They foretold of this enemy and his greedy ways. They would kill the buffalo until there were just about none left and use up the rich soil until it became barren and useless.
We know who that enemy is. The ancients were from the so called Native American tribes. It now seems that this enemy who has become such a mass consumer has indeed used up much of the land, destroyed many of the worlds forest, killed off animals, and has left the air dirty enough in some areas to cause sickness to humans as well as the animals.
Now this enemy has used up much of its own currency and credit. On top of that, their dependency on oil for fuel and energy which is being consumed at alarming rates has rendered him a slave to others who are not producing oil at rates which are complimentary to the extreme usage. The prices for it are too high for the average lay person reasonably afford. These are the makings of revolution, change, revolt and possibly treason. Something must give way or this society will burst at the seams. While the masses are fed up, they demand action from their leaders. From out of the chaos there must arise leadership that takes us in a new direction that make life fair for all.

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