Monday, July 6, 2009

Timing:Politician, Peter King Calls Jackson a 'Pedophile'

Politician, Peter King Calls Jackson a 'Pedophile'

In an attempt to raise awareness about the unrecognized efforts of U.S. teachers, police officers, veterans and volunteers, New York congressman Peter King decided to rip Michael Jackson apart in his latest YouTube video. King takes a swift jab at society for putting Jackson on a pedestal, calling the singer a "low life" and "child molester."
"There is nothing good about this guy. He may have been a good singer and did some dancing, but the bottom line is would you let your child or grandchild be in the same room as Michael Jackson?" King said.
The Republican congressman believes that the media is to blame for the "day in and day out" coverage of Jackson's death and is "too politically correct."
"Let's knock out the psycho babble. He was a pervert. He was a pedophile... No one wants to stand up and say, 'We don't need Michael Jackson,'" King said.
Adding that there are Americans dying every day in Afghanistan, King says our society should be spending more time focusing on the true heroes and less on Jackson. "What are we glorifying him for? ...We shouldn't be glorying some pervert," he said.
Now good old Peter King needs a lesson concerning 'timing', good timing and bad timing. The death of Micael Jackson was bad timing since most deaths are planned. Mike did not decide to die just before the 4th of July.
Peter King's statements about the King of Pop Michael Jackson were an example of bad timing. Doesn't he realize that it is not good to talk ill of the dead especially before they are buried and their loved ones are are still mourning. Not only was MJ cleared of all of the charges he he faced in a trial, but many parents allowed their children to be in the same room as him.
While I'm on this subject let me say the following. A pedophile is a person who has sex, endulges in sexual acts, and/or views child pornography(with the intentions of sexual gratification). This sickness causes them to attempt and execute these acts every time they think they can until they are imprisoned or they die.
With the amount of children around Michael Jackson over at least two decades and the time between the only two accusations combined with the fact that the same lawyer initiated both cases it would seem that MJ was set up.
Never was he accused of actually having sex with any child. They only took advantage of Michael's weirdness and tried to make it appear that he was a pedophile when in fact he was only trying to live the childhood he felt he missed out on through kind acts he bestowed upon children of many ethnic backgrounds. These kind acts combined with over $300,000,000 of his personal money gave away to various charities puts Michael Jackson far above Peter King whom I think is a racist, no more no less. Now we know what he is about. Maybe it wasn't bad timing after all.
Peter King says that he was only saying what everyone else was thinking. That might be true of the few people he talks to, but has he noticed that millions around this planet are mourning the death of this icon?
Go to YouTUBE and listen for yourself if you have not heard it already. Decide for yourself if this doesn't sound like the words and feelingsof a hateful man.
Being a politician, Peter King should always obey and show respect for the laws and rules which govern this nation of ours. If a person is found not guilty of any charges against him or her then they should not be called that which they were acquitted of. If Peter King were accused of stealing and found not guilty he would not want to be called a thief.
Maybe Peter King should have kept his personal feelings about MJ to himself. Let us see what happens to him down the road becuase of his bad timing.

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