Sunday, March 8, 2015

Maher Slams Republicans For Claim That Obama Doesn't Love America

Real Time's Bill Maher took Republicans like Rudy Giuliani to task during his New Rules segment for continually claiming that President Obama doesn't love America, or doesn't love it in a manner which suits them.

Bill Maher ended his show tonight revisiting last month’s controversy over whether President Obama loves America. And Maher just had one question: why are Republicans “obsessed” about Obama either not loving the country or loving it “the wrong way”?

Maher said the GOP views America like children, because unconditional love is “not how grown-ups think.”

He compared Republicans to “parents who think their kids can do no wrong” and when the school tells them their child did something bad, they yell at the school.

As Maher explained, it's perfectly acceptable to love America and still be critical of the bad things our country has done and he wrapped it up with this.

MAHER: You know, when it comes to America, conservatives, they're a little like blackout drinkers. They remember all the good stuff about the night before, the laughs, the winning at beer pong, but no recollection of the bad. The pissing in the lobby fountain, groping coworkers, wiping out the Indians.

Which is a shame because you can't turn the page on America's bad stuff if you won't print the page to begin with, if you won't acknowledge that many of the good things that America has done are actually reversals of bad things America did.

I think it's great that gave the Indians the casino business in America and I'm proud of the Emancipation Proclamation. I'm proud of women's suffrage, of the Civil Rights Act, of legal gay marriage in 37 states and counting, but all of that wouldn't have been necessary if we hadn't been dicks in the first place.

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