Friday, August 31, 2012

2012 Presidential Campaign: What Do We Really See?

2012 Presidential Campaign: What Do We Really See?

Having just watched the 2nd night of the Republican Convention I realize the desperation of the Republicans. Even more I recognize the Republican's hate for President Obama. It is a sad fact that their hatred for our President is stronger than their love for and of country.
What we see because of this hatred is a a congress which has done nothing to help this country move forward.  This same hatred has motivated the Republican Party to do anything it can to prevent Obama from making real significant progress since he came in to office. This plan has carried them along with their hatred to now where they can argue that President Obama has done nothing, failed the people, and has shown no true leadership. Sure it seems like they have some valid points, but they don't.
What we really see is a wounded political party that has put together a do whatever they can ticket to try to win back 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue! What we the people should have done and should continue to do is vote out any and all "do nothing" Senators and Representatives!
Simply put, as soon as President Obama was elected the Republican's plan was to derail as much of any progress for America so that by this time they might be able to blame any failures, any slow economic growth, stagnant progress, and any domestic and foreign weakness' on President Obama. They want to create the illusion that America is doing worse than ever and it is all his fault.
It is one thing to disagree with each others policies, but they are lying, hoping that you and I have forgotten about G.W. Bush doubling the deficit and losing all of those jobs they claim President Obama lost. The truth which you can check is that since President Obama became President he has done his best to stimulate job growth and the U.S. economy while the Republicans have done nothing but stall progress by voting against whatever he is for. Even when he has attempted to move on project they wanted they would say no simply to go against him and make it appear that he lacks true leadership.
They hang on his every word trying to portray him as an enemy of the Union, a socialist, a communist, and unpatriotic! Every election we get politicians making promises and do they deliver? Mostly not! What do we do? We fall for the foolishness again and again. Why should we believe a party that cannot get it's own house in order. They want to distance themselves from racism, but it seem to be what their base and core are motivated by. I'm not say that all Republicans are racist, but it is apparent that they appeal to the majority of them across this country.
Let me put it this way; much of my views are similar to the so called republican philosophy. I diverge from it on some issues generally when they become extreme, but for the most part I believe that if you work hard and are self made it is yours to do what you want with it. I also realize that in order for the government to run it needs revenue which comes mostly from taxes. The free market system is great, but it can get out of hand because of greed. Therefore we must have regulations! Who enforces the laws and regulates? The government! The revenue is needed for this and the government thereby protects the masses from those who would scam us, poison us, destroy nature and never pay much in taxes. This is the reality of the situation.
It's just like when the U.S. government passed certain civil rights laws and the state and local government agencies would refuse to follow and/or enforce these laws. The Federal government had to force them to obey. Without the Federal Government there would have been no progress. So we need real oversight!
I don't believe in quotas, but reality dictates that many in positions of power to hire will not be fair and hire those of all groups (i.e. of varying races, nationalities, and colors) based on merit. So we must have something in place to make we have equality.
My point is that the Republicans would be my party if not for their lack of compassion towards the middle-class, the poor, and the elderly. Just look at the racist rallies they have against President Obama ever since the first campaign in 2008. When they have people throwing peanuts at an African-American woman (CNN camera-person) yelling "this how we feed the animals" I refuse to be a part of      that. It is too much of a pattern.
Remember how the Republicans treated an war vet simply because he was gay? They booed and disrespected him. This pattern of prejudice is deep, it is their core and base!
When Romney, Palin, Ryan & company use terms like "our America", "Let's take America Back", "Unpatriotic", and more these are rallying calls and race baiting. I cannot be a part of this and further more I must be against just you should.
If you believe that the solution is to not vote at all then you are wrong. This is what they want us to do. They want you to feel either let down, frustrated, disillusioned, fed up, or all of the above so that you do not go out to vote. PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT! YOU VOTE COUNTS and is needed to combat these lying Republicans.
What do we really see? Poor Clint Eastwood being used and backfiring! We see speeches from Romney and Ryan which were very similar to President Obama's speeches of 2008 and now they are being used against him. The only difference is that much of our problems are self inflicted or made up by and because of the Republican Party.
We see Republicans saying things like 'they hope that minorities don't come out to vote' and, 'I'm here for one purpose and that is to make sure Obama fails and is not reelected'.
By the way Clint...


So true....The sad thing about it is their hatred for Obama has a lot to do racisim...& not because of him being a Democratic...This country feels that us people of color are not fit to lead..Its that slavery mentality...I have never seen the Republicans fight so hard against a Democratic President, not willing to come together with any solutions to help better this country.The only difference is Obama's skin color...They will stop @ nothing to take him down from running another term.Its a shame.We as the people will suffer miserable if the RNC takes office.Together we stand divided we fall....Please please people get out there & vote...They are trying to come up with loop holes to block us from voting...Make sure you have all your voting documents in order...!!! Peace FB fam...MAY God bless us all...!!! ~Tanisha Blythe be continued.....

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