YOURSAY ‘In Malaysia, principles are like a spare tyre in a car. Use it only when you need it.'

Tariq Ramadan: Muslims must fight unjust laws

Swipenter: "If you are a loyal citizen, you would want the best for your nation. But a loyal citizen is always critical. Blind loyalty is dangerous, sectarian and racist," said renowned Muslim philosopher Tariq Ramadan.

I could not agree more with that. The first two sentences are anathema to Umno but the last sentence is the sum of all of Umno's missions and objectives since independence.

Starr: Democratic values, together with the underlying values of human rights, are fundamentally universal values that are transient beyond religions. These values should not be held under the preserve of any religion.

The misconception of Islam as anti-democratic, anti-equality, anti-justice and anti-human rights is due in no small measure to the abuse of the religion by Muslim leaders themselves.

Mr KJ John: Brother Tariq Ramadan, I fully agree and concur with your worldview and views about good governance. God bless you!

Sarajun Hoda: Will equal citizenship and rights make any sense to Umno or its stooge Perkasa? I doubt it, I seriously doubt it.

In Malaysia, principles are like a spare tyre in a car. Use it only when you need it. The priority of those in power is to hoard more power and rule over others to exploit as the pharaohs used to do.

The present federal government's politics have no values, and religious authorities are empowered to play god and serve its masters' political purpose, applying coercion and more coercion.

1Malaysia2Agama: During the Japanese occupation, snatch thieves were not rampant because of very strict laws and punishment. Would the advocates of hudud laws bring us back to the Dark Ages?

Even males and females cannot sit together in a cinema in Pakatan Rakyat-controlled Selangor. I hope PAS and Umno ulamas were present at the talk.

Blind Freddo: It sounds like his philosophy is totally at odds with Malaysian-style Islam... from both camps.

Disgusted: Very good, tell that to PM Najib Razak and his Umnoputras. They are a disgrace to Islam and the way they act and behave brings odium, scorn and contempt for the Islam they preach.

Hang Tuah PJ: Blind Freddo, his philosophy is the real Islam, not what is practised by Umno here. And Disgusted, no need to tell Najib and his Umnoputras. They know Islam, but they deliberately chose not to comply.

Wira: Notice that Tariq Ramadan was invited by the Penang Institute to speak. If he runs the National Civics Bureau (BTN), Umno will implode.

Anonymous #47094963: The six principles spelled out by Tariq are exactly those practiced in western/Christian countries for decades. I agree with Tariq's principles because they seem fair.

However, I do not agree to his trying to promote acceptance of the concept of an 'Islamic' government or country, because those concepts do not exist in a multi-religious, multi-racial country like Malaysia.

Plainly: Just wondering, if the social parasites and Umno bullies can understands any of this... especially Katak Ali or that 'Apanama'?

Conmen: That's it... BN and Umno can wrap their sheets and ship out, along with their lackeys. Malaysia had enough with ‘Ketuanan Melayu' crap and nonsense.

Kim Quek: It will be interesting to hear what Umno thinks of the principles of good governance expounded by this modern-day Islamic philosopher and thinker, who I presume is much respected in the Islamic world.

Baiyuensheng: Kim Quek, first they will have to find the meaning of the words - 'governance' and 'principle' - it will be a tough challenge for them.

Mushiro: I believe slightly more than half of Malaysia, including Muslims, Christians and Hindus, are already practicing what Tariq Ramadan is preaching.

But the sad part is, it is the government that does not and cannot accept this philosophy of Tariq Ramadan. So if more than half of Malaysia believes in this philosophy, then as Tariq has suggested, we have to stand up and do our part to bring change.

Lucia: Yes, Prof Tariq's talk is awesome... though sometimes I had difficulty understanding him because of his accent, but what was disappointing was the panel discussion. Nothing much was exchanged and time was too short.

Anonymous_3f68: Tariq Ramadan, your views comes as a fresh breeze, but you've got until Ramadan to ship out of Malaysia or otherwise the recalcitrants will ship you out for speaking your mind.

In case you didn't know, this is the land of Umnor (United Malay Nitwits of Robbers).

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