Thursday, December 27, 2012

God: Does God Exist and What Are It's Origins?

God: Does God Exist and What Are It's Origins?

Does God Exist and What Are It's Origins?
For over 4 decades I have watched the habits, rituals, and foolishness of people. For the most part I've noticed much in the way of ignorance concerning religion, diet, overall health, and politics.
When it comes to religion many people have their own understanding of the Creator or as is commonly known in the U.S.A., GOD. Many Christians will raise the flag and preach what the say they believe in. To those who are not aware or knowledgeable in theology, religious studies, and global history they sound very convincing. The testimonies of miracles boast of being raised from putrid, mud like states of wrongdoing, evil, and sin while thanking Jesus/God for saving them cause many who are in the dumps, at a low point in life, or down trodden to wonder if being saved in the name of Christ is the only way out of whatever afflicts them. For all of our lives we see on the T.V. and hear on the radios people claiming to have been healed, cured, and even brought back from the dead in the name of Christ. Living in the U.S.A. we cannot escape Christian dogma and it's rituals.
The first question is, "Does God exist?". Next question is "Can you prove it either way (i.e. yes or no)?".
If I said that GOD does not exist many of you would probably stop reading and dismiss me as a nut case, a demon, or maybe even the anti-Christ himself. I could list a whole lot of proof and evidence to say that God does not exist, yet I would not be doing so with fairness.
Because we humans like to generally rely on science while at the same time rejecting science to justify our subjective views we tend to over look logic and certain laws which govern this physical universe we dwell in.
Most of us believe in God, the Devil, Heaven, and Hell only because it is what we have been conditioned to believe in these since we can remember. What most of us never take the time to understand is that if we were not forced to believe in God we would not reject reason, logic, and science. I am still not saying that God doesn't exist. What I am saying is that most of us cannot say that real proof, evidence, reasoning, and science has been used to explain the existence of God. Nor can many of us present any real proof.
Anyone saying that they have seen miracles is not proof. This is subjective and makes one wonder if people are not just telling stories to convince others to believe as they do. Preachers do this to add to their flocks. They use their oratory skills and persuasive tactics to appeal to certain minds. Yet they present no real proof. They tell you follow, believe in, and have blind faith in God who you have never seen. Still they offer no real proof! They quote the Bible and point out similarities between stories of old and present day happenings to get you to believe, but where is the real proof?
While all of this is happening, our parents are forcing you to believe. At the same time many of our T.V. shows and movies bombard our minds with talk of and images of God, Angels, The Devil, Demons, Heaven, Hell, and Jesus. Can we say we have a choice when comes to our beliefs.
Eventually, some of us make a choice in our beliefs when we come upon new information but, most of us don't. Many people believe they have a free will when in fact they do not.
If when we were children we were not influenced to believe in anything and instead given facts, data, and objective historical evidence concerning religion, then most of us would not be Christian at all. Yet, because we have been conditioned to reject that which refutes Christianity we tend to hold on to it in some form or aspect if not in total.
So I say yes there is a GOD, a supreme BEING, a sole Creator and now I will explain why and how with the same science that so called scientist use to deny the existence of a GOD.
Earlier I said that thus far we human have noticed certain physical laws which govern this universe. The properties of matter for instance have become known to us as solid, liquid, and gas. We have learned through science (which is only trial and error tests, experiments and/or observations) that objects have a boiling point where they turn from solid to liquid and eventually to gas. The boiling point varies with different elements, but it exist.
Now we must go back to the beginning of this universe to get something straight here. Religion denounces evolution simply because those who wrote the Bible left it out. Instead they told stories that if you put it all together and did the math would mean man has only been on earth for about 6000 years. Until we had access to the truth the church could tell us anything. Most people could not read so they only accepted what they were told. Instead of accepting the truth they tell you whatever they can to explain their lies. They have no accounts of how far back humans really dwelled on earth. They start with Adam and Eve and work their way up to Jesus. This adds up to about 4000 years. Count from Jesus until now and you have roughly 2012 years to add to the 4000. By the way, the Bible took roughly 900 to 1000 years to compile. The Books in the New Testament were not written during the time of Jesus nor by anyone who actually new him. The nearest to his time a book (i.e. of the New Testament) was written was about 67 years after Jesus disappeared.
Back to the past, to the very beginning to what has become the most plausible theory of the start of the universe. It is called the "Big Bang Theory". Many scientist believe that this universe started with what they call a "Big Bang". They don't subscribe to a GOD creating the universe or the earth in six days as your Bible states.
Because many of us see science as something apart from religion and the belief in GOD, we tend to miss a very important element in our belief. Why believe in something which cannot be proven in some way or another. Let us now combine science with religion, thereby eliminating blind faith. Let us have reason as the root of our faith! There is nothing wrong with this.
"It is a rationally self-evident proposition, intuitively understood by just about every human being, that no being can come into existence by itself-no being for which it is possible to both exist and not to exist. For such a being to come into existence, there must be a being that exist by virtue of its essence, that is, a being from whom existence cannot be withdrawn, unlike other beings for whom it is possible to exist and not to exist. These require that something external to them bring them into existence.
There are those who say that infinite space existed from the very beginning and that within this infinitude, forms came into existence, followed first by vapors and gases and then by forms of life. It is against the dictates of reason, however, that a thing would change into something other than itself without the action of an external cause. Such a cause is always needed for the transformation of one thing into something different, as for example when water freezes or boils. If the temperature did not pass below zero or above one hundred degrees (both of these being external causes), the water would remain just as it is. Like wise, an external cause is required to make water stagnate.
Equally, anyone who reflects a little will regard it as rationally self-evident, and assent to the proposition, that in the case of a being or thing that may exist or not exist, its non-existence as opposed to its existence does not require a cause. But its transformation from a contingent being that does not exist to a contingent being that does exist is inconceivable without a cause." ~ Islam and Revolution~

The Origins of God
Where did God come from?

"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God."
-- John 1:1
Michaelangelo's 'The Creation of Adam'

1  "NOTHING AND POSSIBILITY come in and out of bond infinite times in a finite moment." -- Summum

2  Aeons ago, the material universe and everything within it exploded into being. The creation of the material universe is the single known paramount event from which all other known events precipitate. That it happened is obvious. Why it happened is the greatest mystery you have ever known. The enigma surrounding the cause of existence has forever captivated humankind's thought, and you search for the answer to this mystery in the questions, "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "How did the universe come into being?" "Where did God come from?"
3  The Grand Principle of Creation is presented here for your examination. It is the answer to the greatest mysteries which dwell within the thinking human mind. No record of this Principle may be found anywhere except within this book. With diligence and openness, study, learn, and apply the principles and techniques presented in this work. As you progress, you will gain an understanding and come to know the Grand Principle of Creation.
4  Before the material universe manifested there was NO THING. If there was NO THING (NOTHING), then it must have been possible for nothing to be. If it is possible for NO THING to be, then it must be possible for everything to be -- all matter, "space-time," all relativity -- all this must be possible. If there is All Possibility, then there must be the possibility of the NO THING (NOTHING). In the same fashion it must be possible for ALL THINGS to be (SUMMUM). Automatically, with no beginning and no end, do these Grand Opposites "come in and out of bond infinite times in a finite moment" -- therefore creating a series of infinite "EVENTS." These infinite EVENTS, held within the finite moment, display as infinite conceptualized energy released in an incredible, phenomenal explosion. This has been called the BIG BANG -- an EVENT.
5  A corollary to this Grand Principle is, "It is impossible for two things to join in harmony or discord without the presence of a third, for a 'BOND' must exist to unite them" -- the copulation generates SUMMUM. It is the BONDing of NOTHING and POSSIBILITY infinite times within this finite moment which is the birth of the cosmos and all subsequent EVENTS. "It takes the joining of TWO to make one -- SUMMUM."
6  Although your physicists and astronomers have determined the origin of the material universe, they are incapable of determining the MOMENT just prior to the BIG BANG. This cannot be examined by formulas, because formulas use the methodology of the material universe. Just prior to the EVENT, "space-time" and therefore "matter" did not exist, so it is impossible to make formulations based upon the non-reality of these systems. To be totally correct one would have to say there was no MOMENT just prior to the BIG BANG, for time did not exist. So when physicists try to examine the origin of the Creation, they must be confined to studying philosophical states, and they are not comfortable doing this at this time.
7  Physicists who deal in quantum mechanics state: "You cannot (objectively) observe something without changing it in the process." This statement is based upon what is termed the Uncertainty Principle, which means that when you observe one aspect of a thing (such as an electron), you are forever uncertain of any other aspects of that same thing.1 Consequently, they are restricted to using collections of probabilities in describing the motion of things. Further, they state that the existence of the collection of probabilities establishes what would happen if an observation occurred. (Note that the term PROBABILITIES is closely related to the term POSSIBILITIES). To the extent that the Uncertainty Principle is applied to the origin of the universe, you can readily understand the problem with the physicists' objective measurements (observations). No objective measurements are possible in solving this problem.
8  The Grand Principle of Creation embodies your SUBJECTIVE OBSERVATION of Creation Itself, in which the process of OBSERVATION between NOTHING and POSSIBILITY produces the EVENT of Creation. This condition, in which the two grand opposites are poised in opposition to one another, results in SUMMUM: the sum total of everything. When one state of being observes another, there is created an automatic connection between the two. It is this relationship between POSSIBILITY and NOTHING which generates this incredible EVENT. The EVENT includes all outward manifestations and appearances which you know under the terms of "the material universe," "the phenomena of life," "matter," "energy," "space-time," "distance," "speed," "relativity," and, in short, all that is apparent to your material senses.
9  SUMMUM, created by the copulation of NOTHING and POSSIBILITY, is SPIRIT, and may be considered and thought of as A UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND. This MIND is the effect of CREATION'S "copulation," manifesting the qualities of nothingness and (SUMMUM) possibility. From the copulation of CREATION emanates the seven Great Principles of Summum: PSYCHOKINESIS, CORRESPONDENCE, VIBRATION, OPPOSITION, RHYTHM, CAUSE AND EFFECT, and GENDER. These Principles are the NATURE of the Grand Copulation of CREATION.

 1. Despite the Uncertainty Principle's significant role in Quantum Mechanics, it can only be considered partially true due to the effect of paradox. The Divine Paradox which is discussed later in this work, reveals that all truths are only partially true and must be applied in the examination of anything. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen thought experiment demonstrates the ability to know more information about a system than the Uncertainty Principle would allow, hence the infamous EPR paradox. The recent demonstration of teleportation through Entanglement which utilizes EPR beams to transport quantum states from one point to another exploits the restrictions of Uncertainty. Yet regardless of the methods scientists use to examine the universe, as long as they confine themselves to objective measurements (observation), the mystery of Creation will always remain elusive.

The Hypotheses of God
By Osho

"God does not exist; only the the agent exists. This is a very strange business. Religion is the strangest business of all. There is no boss, but there are mediators, the priest, the bishop, the cardinal, the pope, the messiah, the whole hierarchy - and on top there is nobody."

"You asked for God to be invented because you could not live alone. You were incapable of facing life, its beauties, its joys, its sufferings, its anguishes. You were not ready to experience them on your own without anybody protecting you, without somebody being an umbrella to you. You asked for God out of fear. And certainty there are con men everywhere. You ask and they will do it for you."


Is the idea of a personal God who watches out for us, even as a hypothesis, not useful in any way? Because the very idea of dropping the idea of God makes me immensely afraid.

Why do you feel afraid of dropping the idea of God? Certainly the idea of God is somehow preventing you from being afraid. It is a kind of psychological protection, that's what it is.

The child is bound to be afraid. In the mother's womb he is not afraid. I have not heard that any child in the mother's womb ever thinks of going to the synagogue or to the church or reading the Bible or the Koran or the Gita, or even bothers about whether there is a God or not. I cannot conceive that a child in the mother's womb will in any way be interested in God, in the devil, in heaven, in hell. For what? He is already in paradise. Things cannot be better than they are.

He is completely protected in a warm, cozy home, floating in chemicals that are nourishing. And you will be surprised - in that nine months the child grows more than he will ever grow in ninety years, proportionately. In nine months he travels such a long journey from being almost nothing he becomes a being. In nine months he passes through millions of years of evolution, from the very first being up to now. He passes through all the phases.

And life is absolutely secure; no need for any employment, no fear of starvation, hunger, everything is being done by the mother's body. Living nine months in the mother's womb in such absolute security creates a problem that has produced your so-called religions.

As the child comes out of the mother's womb, the first thing that happens to him is fear.

It is obvious. His home is lost, his security is lost. His warmth, his surroundings, all that he knew as his world is completely lost, and he is thrown into a strange world, of which he knows nothing. He has to start breathing on his own.

It takes a few seconds for the child to recognize the fact that he has to breathe now on his own - your mother's breathing is not going to help. Just to bring him to his senses the doctor hangs him upside down and hits him on his bottom, hard. What a beginning! And what a welcome!

And just out of that hit he starts breathing. Have you ever observed that whenever you are afraid, your breathing changes? If you have not watched it before, you can watch it now. Whenever you are afraid, your breathing will change, immediately. And when you are at ease, at home, unafraid of anything, you will find your breathing falling into a harmony, in a deep accord, becoming more and more silent. In deep meditation it happens sometimes that you feel as if your breathing has stopped. It does not stop, but it almost stops.

The beginning for the child is fear of everything. For nine months he was in darkness, and in a modern hospital, where he going to be born, there will be just glaring tube lights all around. And on his eyes, his retina, which has never seen light before, not even a candlelight, this is too much. This light is a shock to his eyes.

And the doctor does not take even a few seconds - he cuts the connection that is still joining him with the mother, the last hope of security . . . and such a tiny being. And you know it perfectly well, that nobody is more helpless than a human child, no other child in the whole existence.

That's why horses have not invented the hypothesis of God. Elephants have not thought about the idea of God, there is no need. the child of the elephant immediately starts walking and looking around and exploring the world. He is not as helpless as a human child. In fact, on the helplessness of a human child depends so much that you may be surprised: your family, your society, your culture, your religion, your philosophy - everything depends on the helplessness of the human child.

In animals, families don't exist for the simple reason that the child does not need the parents. Man had to decide for a certain system.. The father and the mother have to be together to look after the child. It is the outcome of their love affair: this is their doing. Now if the human child is left alone, just like so many animals are, you cannot imagine that he is going to survive; impossible! Where is he going to find food? Whom is he going to ask? What is he going to ask?

Perhaps he had come too early? And there are a few biologists who thing that the human child is born premature - nine months are not enough - because he comes so helpless. But the human body is such that the mother cannot carry the child for more than nine months, otherwise she will die, and her death will mean the death of the child.

It has been calculated that if the child can live in the mother's womb for at least three years, then perhaps there will be no need for a father and mother and the family, and the society and the culture, and God and the priest. But the child cannot live in the mother's womb for three years. This strange biological situation has affected the whole of human behavior, thinking, the structure of family, society, and this has caused the fear.

The first experience of the child is fear, and the last experience of the man is also fear.

Birth is also a kind of death, you should remember, just look at it from the child's point of view. he was living in a certain world, which was absolutely satisfactory. He was not in any need at al, he was not greedy for anything more. He was simply enjoying being, enjoying growing - and then suddenly he is thrown out.

To the child, this experience is an experience of death: death of his whole world, of his security, of his cozy home. Scientists say that we have not been able yet to create a home as cozy as the womb. We have been trying - all our homes are just efforts to crate that cozy home.

We have even tried to make water beds, to give you the same feeling. We have hot bathtubs; lying down in them you can have a little feeling of the child. Those who know how to take a really hot bath will also put salt into it, because in the mother's womb is very salty - the exact amount of salt that is in sea water. But how long can you lie down in a bathtub? We have isolation tanks that are nothing but a search for the same womb that you have lost.

Sigmund Freud is not an enlightened man - in fact he is a little bit cuckoo, but sometimes cuckoos also sing beautiful songs. Sometimes he has significant ideas. For example, he thinks this idea of man making love to the woman is nothing but an effort to enter the womb again. There may be something in it. This man is crazy, this idea seems to be far fetched, but even if a man like Sigmund Feud is crazy, he has to be listened to very carefully.

I feel that there is something of truth in it, the search for the womb, for the same passage as he had come out from . . . He cannot reach that womb, that is true. Then he created all kinds of things; he started making caves, houses, airplanes. You see the interior of the airplane - it will not be a wonder if one day you find that in the airplane people are floating in tubs of hot water, salted. The airplane can give you exactly the same situation, but it is not going to be satisfactory.

The child has not known anything else. We try to make it as cozy: just push a button and the air hostess is there. We make it as comfortable as possible, but we cannot make it as comfortable as it was in the womb. You were not needed even to push a button. Even before you were hungry, you were fed. Even before you needed air, it reached you. You had no responsibility at all.

So the child coming out of the mother's womb, if he feels it at all, must feel it as death. He cannot feel it as birth, that is impossible. That is our idea - the idea of those who are standing outside - we say that is birth.

And the second time, again one day, after his whole life's effort . . . He has been about to make something - a little house, a family, a small circle of friends, a little warmth, a little corner somewhere in the world where he can relax and be himself, where he is accepted. Difficult - a whole life's struggle, and suddenly, one day, he finds again he is being thrown out.

The doctor has come again - and this is the man who had hit him! But that time it was to start the breathing, this time, as far as we know . . Now we are on this side, we don't know the other side. The other side is left to the imagination; that's why heaven and hell . . and every kind of imagination has gone wild.

We are on this side and this man is dying. To us he is dying; perhaps he is gain being reborn. But that only he knows, and he cannot turn back and tell us, "Don't be worried, I am not dead, I am alive." he could not turn in his mother's womb to have a last glimpse and say good-bye to you all, and say, "Don't be worried. I am not dying, I am being reborn."

The Hindu idea of rebirth is nothing but a projection or ordinary birth. For the womb - if the womb thinks - the child is dead. For the child - if it thinks - it is dying. But he is born; it was not death, it is birth. The Hindus have projected the same idea on death. From this side id looks as if he is dying, but from the other side . . But the other side is our imagination; we can make it as we want it.

Every religion makes the other side in a different way because every society and every culture depend on a different geography, a different history. For example, the Tibetan cannot think of the other side as cool - even cool is fearful, cold is impossible. The Tibetan thinks that the dead person is warm, in a new world that always remains warm.

The Indian cannot think that it always remains warm. Even four months heat in India is too much, but for eternity to remain warm - you will be cooked! They had no idea of air-conditioning, but the way the Hindus describe their paradise, it is almost air-conditioned - always cool air, neither hot or cold, but cool. it is always spring. Indian spring - all the flowers are in blossom, the winds are full of fragrance, the birds are singing, everything is alive; but no warm, cool air. That they remind us again and again; cool air continues to flow.

This is your mind that is projecting the idea; otherwise, for the Tibetan or for the Indian or for the Mohammedan, it cannot be different. The Mohammedan cannot think that the other world is going to be a desert - he has suffered so much in the Arabian desert. The other world is an oasis, an oasis all over. It is not that after a hundred miles you find a small oasis with a little water and a few trees, no - just oases all over, and desert nowhere.

We project, but to the person who is dying it is gain the same process that he has experienced once. It is a well known fact that at the time of death, if the person has not become unconscious, has not fallen into a coma, he starts remembering his whole life cycle. He goes on back to the first moment of his life when he was born. it seems to be significant that when he is leaving the world he may have a look at all that has happened. Just in a few seconds that whole calendar moves, just as it moves in your movies.

The calendar goes on moving, because in a two-hour movie they have to cover many years . . . .if the calendar moves at die usual pace, you will be sitting in the movie hall for two years, who is going to be able to afford that? No, the calendar just goes on moving the dates go on changing, fast. It goes even faster at the time of death. In a single moment, the whole life flashes by and stops at the first moment. It is the same process that is happening again - life has come around full circle.

Why did I want you to remember this? Because your God is nothing but your first day's fear, which goes on and on until the last moment, becoming bigger and bigger. That's why when a person is young he may be an atheist, he can afford to be, but as he grows older to be an atheist becomes a little difficult. If when he is just coming close to his grave, one foot in the grave, you ask him, "Are you still an atheist? he will say, "I am having second thoughts" - because of freer: what is going to happen" His whole world is disappearing.

You tell me, "The moment I think of dropping the idea of God, fear comes up." It is a simple indication that with the rock of the idea of God, you are repressing fear; so the moment you remove the rock the fear springs up.

If the fear comes up. that means you have to face it; it is in no way going to help you to cover it by the idea of God. You cannot have faith again, that is destroyed. You cannot have faith in God, because doubt is a reality, a faith is fiction. And no fiction can stand before a fact. Now, God is going to remain a hypothesis to you; your prayer will be useless. You will know it is a hypothesis, you cannot forget that it is a hypothesis.

Once you have heard a truth it is impossible to forget it. That is one of the qualities of truth, that you don't need to remember it. The lie has to be remembered continually; you may forget. The person habituated to lies needs a better memory than the person who is habituated to truth, because a true person has no need of memory. If you say only the truth there is no need to remember. But if you are saying a lie, then you have to continually remember because you have said one lie to one person, another lie to another person, something else to somebody else. To whom you have said what you have to categorize in your mind and keep. And whenever a question arises about a lie you have to lie again, so it is a series. The lie does not believe in birth control.

Truth is celibate, it has no children at all; it is unmarried to fact.

Once you have understood that God is nothing but a hypotheses created by the priests, the politicians, the power elite, the pedagogues - all those who want to keep you in psychological slavery, who have some vested interest in your slavery . . . They all want to keep you afraid, always afraid, trembling deep inside, because if you are not afraid, your are dangerous.

You can either be a person who is a coward, afraid, ready to submit, surrender, a person who has himself no dignity, no respect for his own being - or you can be fearless. But then you are going to be a rebel, you cannot avoid that. Either you can be a man of faith or you are going to be a rebellious spirit. So those people who don't want you to be rebels - because your being rebellious goes against their interests - go on enforcing, conditioning your mind with Christianity, with Judaism, with Mohammedianism, with Hinduism, and they keep you trembling deep inside. That is their power, so anybody who is interested in power, whose whole life is nothing but a will to power, has tremendous use for the hypothesis of God.

If you are afraid of God - and if you believe in God you have to be afraid - you have to follow his orders and commandments, his holy book, his messiah, his incarnation. You have to follow him and his agent,.

In fact he does not exist; only the agent exists. This is a very strange business. Religion is the strangest business of all. There is no boss, but there are mediators, the priest, the bishop, the cardinal, the pope, the messiah, the whole hierarchy - and on top there is nobody.

But Jesus drives his authority and power from God - his only begotten son. The pope derives his authority from Jesus - his only true representative, infallible. And it goes on and on to the lowest priest . . . but there is no God; it is your fear. You asked for God to be invented because you could not live alone. You were incapable of facing life, its beauties, its joys, its sufferings, its anguishes. You were not ready to experience them on your own without anybody protecting you, without somebody being an umbrella to you. You asked for God out of fear. And certainly these are don men everywhere. You ask and they will do it for you.

You will have to drop this idea of God that helps you to remain unafraid. You will have to pass through fear and accept it as a human reality. There is no need to escape from it. What is needed is to go deep into it, and the deeper you go into your fear the less you will find it is.

When you have touched the rock bottom of fear you will simply laugh, there is nothing to fear.

And when fear disappears there is innocence, and that innocence is the summum bonum, the very essence of a religious man.

That innocence is power.

That innocence is the only miracle there is.

Out of innocence anything can happen, but you will not be a Christian out of that, and you will not be a Mohammedan out of that. Out of innocence you will become simply an ordinary human being, totally accepting your ordinariness and living it joyously, thankful to the whole existence - not to God, because that is an idea given by others to you.

But existence is not an idea. It is there all around you, within and without. When you are utterly innocent, a deep thankfulness - I will not call it prayer because in prayer you are asking for something. I will call it a deep thankfulness - a gratitude arises. Not that you are asking for something, but thanking for something that has already been given to you.

So much has been given to you. Do you deserve it? Have you earn it? Existence goes on pouring so much over you that to ask for more is just ugly. This which you have received, you should be grateful for it. And the most beautiful thing is that when you are grateful, more and more existence starts pouring over you. It becomes a circle; the more you get, the more you become grateful, the more you become grateful, the more you get. . . and there is no end to it, it is an infinite process.

But remember: the hypothesis of God is gone; the moment you called it a hypothesis the idea of God has been already dropped. Whether you are afraid or not, you cannot take it back, it is finished.

Now the only way left is to go into your fear. Silently enter into it, so you can find its depth. And sometimes it happens that it is not very deep.

A story:

A man walking in the night slipped from a rock Afraid that he would fall down thousand of feet, because he knew that place was a very deep valley, he took hold of a branch that was hanging over the rock. In the night all he could see was a bottomless abyss. He shouted; his own shout was reflected back - there was nobody to fear.

You can imagine that man and his whole night of torture. Every moment there was death, his hands were becoming cold, he was losing his grip. . . .and as the sun came out he looked down and he laughed; there was no abyss. Just six inches down there was a rock. he could have rested the whole night, slept well - the rock was big enough - but the whole night was a nightmare.

From my own experience I can say to you: the fear is not more than six inches deep. Now it is up to you whether you want to go on clinging to the branch and turn your life into a nightmare, or whether you would have to leave the branch and stand on your feet.

There is nothing to fear.


Seven Summum Principles

"The Principles of knowing Creation are seven; those who know these possess the Magic Key to whose touch all locked doors open to Creation."
— Summum

The seven great Summum Principles upon which the Summum Philosophy is based are as follows:
i. The Principle of Psychokinesis
"SUMMUM is MIND; the universe is a mental creation." — Summum
ii. The Principle of Correspondence
"As above, so below; as below, so above." — Summum
iii. The Principle of Vibration
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." — Summum
iv. The Principle of Opposition
"Everything is dual; everything has an opposing point; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes bond; all truths are but partial truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." — Summum
v. The Principle of Rhythm
"Everything flows out and in; everything has its season; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing expresses itself in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."— Summum
vi. The Principle of Cause and Effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is just a name for Law not recognized; there are many fields of causation, but nothing escapes the Law of Destiny." — Summum
vii. The Principle of Gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all levels." — Summum
These principles underlie all phenomena and can be found at work where ever you look. They form the basis for all religions, all philosophies, and all science. They have been alluded to, referred to, and discussed in various ways throughout history. The principles are discussed and explained at length in the Summum philosophy book, SUMMUM: Sealed Except to the Open Mind.

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Celebrities we've Lost in the Last 10 Years.

Celebrities we've Lost in the Last 10 Years
In celebration of their lives and achievements we have created a retrospective of celebrities and notable people that have passed away in the last 10 years.

Bernie Mac - 1957-2008                           Ronald Reagan - 1911-2004
  Lena Horne 1917-2010
Michael Jackson - 1958-2009
Corey Haim - 1971-2010

Amy Winehouse - 1983-2011
Leslie Nielsen - 1926-2010

Heath Ledger - 1979-2008

George Carlin - 1937-2008

Les Paul - 1915-2009

Dom DeLuise - 1933-2009

Bea Arthur - 1922-2009

Ed McMahon - 1923-2009

Peter Graves - 1926-2006

Benazir Bhutto - 1953-2007

Adam Goldstein (DJ AM) - 1973-2009

Dennis Hopper - 1936-2010

Marlon Brando - 1924-2004

Farrah Fawcett - 1947-2009

Edward \"Ted\" Kennedy - 1932-2009

Tony Curtis - 1925-2010

Patrick Swayze - 1952-2009

James Brown - 1933-2006

Natasha Richardson - 1963-2009

Paul Newman - 1925-2008

Katharine Hepburn - 1907-2003

Dudley Moore - 1935-2002

Gary Coleman - 1968-2010

Bob Hope - 1903-2003

Christopher Reeve - 1952-2004

Elizabeth Taylor - 1932-2011

Peter Falk - 1927-2011

Dixie Carter - 1939-2010

Luciano Pavarotti - 1935-2007

George Harrison - 1943-2001

Merv Griffin - 1925-2007

Andy Rooney - 1919-2011

Steve Jobs - 1955-2011

Ray Charles - 1930-2004

Aaron Spelling - 1923-2006

Pope John Paul II - 1920-2005

Anna Nicole Smith - 1967-2007

George Steinbrenner - 1930-2010

Johnny Cash - 1932-2003

Barry White - 1944-2003

Steve Irwin - 1962-2006

Charlton Heston - 1923-2008