The master cleanse diet is created by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. He only published a book on the master cleanse only during 1976. In short, the diet only permits you to consume the lemonade mixture for the whole duration of the master cleanse – You can require to drink a minimum of 60 oz of lemonade a day and drink plenty of water too. But you are not allow to eat or drink other foods rather than the lemonade.
Do note: there is a big time difference from the time where Stanley Burroughs published the book till today (1976 and 2009). If you have been reading other websites information on the master cleanse recipe, most of them are using the original recipe which may not be correct now (for example, the U.S.D.A. has changed the classification of maple syrup).
We have provided you with a single serving recipe of the master cleanse diet below. Most of the time, you may want to make the lemonade for the whole day otherwise it’ll be troublesome for you to make the lemonade each time you want to drink it.
You would need to mix the following ingredients together in order to make the lemonade mixture.
1. 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
2. 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup grade B
3. 1/10 tablespoon of cayenne pepper powder
4. 10 oz glasses of distilled water (This is around 295ml of water)
Lemon juice – you would approximately need half a lemon to make 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. If you want to create the lemonade for the whole day, it can only last for 8 hours before it turns bad (even you have put it into the fridge).
Do take note not to use canned lemon juice as the vitamins and nutrients are no longer in the canned lemon. It is essential for your body to absorb the lemon nutrients because you are drinking the lemonade for 10 days.
In our master cleanse survival manual, you would discover how you should you prepare the lemonade exactly in the morning. (You can’t add the cayenne pepper in the morning when you prepare the lemonade for the whole day, otherwise it will turn bad within a short while..)
Maple syrup - If you read from all the free information online, the standard instructions are to use organic maple syrup grade B. They would also tell you not to use other kinds of syrup as they are not suitable for the master cleanse diet. Usually you can only find the grade B maple syrup in United States only and if you are from other parts of the world, chances are you won’t be able to find grade B maple syrup.
BUT, is it the truth that only grade B maple syrup is suitable for master cleanse? In our master cleanse survival manual, you would also discover whether do you really need grade B maple syrup. (It is found out that Stanley Burroughs originally published the Master Cleanse in 1976 when the U.S.D.A. classified maple syrup into 3 different categories. However, now U.S.D.A. has revised it’s classification… )
Cayenne pepper – do not underestimate the power of cayenne pepper. It is one of the best healing herbs in the world. The pepper can increase the blood flow in the body, have a rich source of vitamins B & C and can save one from heart attack. We would recommend you to buy the powder form of cayenne pepper.
Salt Water Flush Recipe
You would need to prepare a teaspoon of organic sea salt (not iodized salt) with 25 – 35 oz of warm water. Mix well and do your best to drink the solution in one go. If it is difficult to drink, use normal temperature water then.
It is best to drink the salt water flush before drinking the lemonade in the morning as it is more effective with empty stomach.
Have you tried the salt water flush and you totally couldn’t stand the taste? Our master cleanse newsletter below would give you tips, secrets and our experiences on how you can “cheat” on the salt water flush..Master Cleanse Diet – Facts About Master Cleanse
Master Cleanse is an extremely popular diet that has helped many troubled individuals to cleanse and detoxify their body. In short, the core ingredients for the original recipe contains lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and distilled water.
Most people also refer this diet as the lemonade diet. While some say that you can lose weight by doing Master Cleanse, the real objective is actually cleansing and removing the toxins that has accumulated in your whole body. And as a result, it gives you a new source of energy and the best thing is, you can lose some weight through the diet.
Celebrities like Beyonce has completed the diet to lose weight during 2006. She was in Oprah’s show at that time and share with everyone that she had lost 21 pounds on this diet. Ever since then, Master Cleanse became very popular and famous in the United States.
You would need to go for a fast for 10 days without taking in any food. However, you can only consume the lemonade mixture as well as the salt water flush or laxative tea. You would need a lot of determination to complete the test, and thinking about the benefit of the cleanse would certainly help you complete the cleanse.
Many have voiced some concerns over the lack of food while you are on the Master Cleanse diet. Fear not because the lemonade mixture are filled with vitamins and minerals, you would not be deprived of all the essential elements. However, you may get light headedness, fatigue, fainting, headache, while follow on this diet. These are actually detoxification symptoms in your body and would disappear 1 or 2 days later.
Many skeptics would try to put down Master Cleanse by saying that it is not backed by research and you don’t need to go on this fast to be healthier.
But there are even more people who have completed and experience the health benefits from this cleanse. Stories that Master Cleanse have cured the diseases and illnesses are very common and even the doctors could not understand why.
Here’s why Master Cleanse Diet is good for you:
The Secrets Behind The Ingredients
It contains powerful ingredients like cayenne pepper and lemons. Cayenne pepper is one of the most powerful herbs in the world that can help to boost your blood flow and stimulates your immune system. Cayenne pepper has actually saved many people from heart attack!
Lemons on the other hand contains lots of vitamin C. Lemons is another booster to the immune system. Furthermore, they have a strong reputation to relieve digestive problems, dissolving gallstones, bladder stones, kidney problems, and other problems.
They can help to reduce the fever, help to heal the wound, and even alleviate sore throats and asthma.
Why Master Cleanse is so good?
By not consuming any food for the 10 days, all these super foods can actually do their work in your body without getting distracted by all the pollution and junk food that gets into the body. Furthermore, all the toxins and wastes get detoxify easily and come out of the body without much difficulty.
And there is still the health benefits of maple syrup we have not shared with you!
So what are you waiting for? Start doing the Master Cleanse when you have prepared the ingredients!
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