Friday, April 3, 2009

The Obamas Do Their Thing in Europe!

As I watched President Obama today on CNN give a live Town Hall Meeting in France I could not help but notice how well received he was. Not only have the French embraced him, it seems that Europe has. Just as it was during the election campaign he still has a large global following or fan base if will.
Prior to the Obamas flying off to Europe the talk on most of the networks was that he might not be received well and that the the G 20 meeting would produce nothing of substance. It seemed as if once again certain people were crouched, waiting to find fault and expose weakness in Obama's economic plans by citing the French Prez statement that he would walk out of the G 20 meeting in protest cocerning Obama's stimulus plans.
Nothing of the sort happened. President Obama was given well beyond the respect he deserves as a head of state. The First Lady knocked them dead and now President Obama is off to the NATO Summit.

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