Saturday, October 18, 2014

Perpetrators, collaborators, bystanders, victims: we can be clear about three of these categories. The bystander, however, is the fulcrum. If there are enough notable exceptions, then protest reaches a critical mass. We don’t usually think of history as being shaped by silence, but, as English philosopher Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’

As we look around seeing unarmed men being shot much too often by police officers, we must ask a few questions: Why are there so many poorly trained cowards with badges? Why does it seem to be mostly unarmed Blacks/African-Americans that are being shot? Why is it that most situations are met with lethal (deadly) force? Just because someone does not obey a cop, the response is not to kill them whether it is by electrocution, choke-holds, night sticks, or shooting. Maybe the cowards have control issues.
In any event the bystander police officers need to end this culture of cowardice, hate, racism, and fear by standing up to the bad apples, weeding them out, and going to court against them. If there is no Blue Wall of Silence then they cannot seek refuge and hide behind it. Only cowards hide and only cowards standby do nothing and let evil have its way.

As we witness the media instill mass panic and fear with their so called coverage of the so-called group of cowards known as Isis we must realize that Isis is not a true representation of Islam nor of the majority of Muslims world wide. They are conducting themselves in a totally UN-Islamic manner. The Muslim bystanders must not only condemn them verbally, they need to attack them and try them according to the Qur'aan and true Islamic law. They are going against the Glorious Qur'aan and should be treated as non Muslims by all.

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