Tea Party member Lloyd Marcus takes aim at MSNBC Host and Scholar Melissa Harris-Perry, and the war against rich white men.
Wow. Do I have a lot to say. Tea Partier Lloyd Marcus recently wrote about a segment in which MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry sort of, indirectly, compared Obamacare to the N-word. Now, I do not necessarily agree and yes, other terms have been created to match a politician to a policy, like Hillarycare and Reaganomics. This is something that Marcus thinks he so intelligently points out in his response to Perry’s piece.However, the term itself may not convince people that it was created by wealthy white men (as Perry alludes to) to demean Obama as a person, but the aftermath of it passing and becoming legislation sure has brought out the worst in people. The attacks against Obama have wreaked of racial undertones and often, overt prejudice and ignorance. For instance, during his bid to become the Republican nominee for President in 2012, Newt Gingrich constantly referred to Obama as the “food stamp president.” Could this possibly have been used to equate an ethnic President with the main beneficiaries of food stamps: black people? Oh but wait, blacks are NOT the main beneficiaries of food stamps, something Newt doesn’t really address when calling Obama this name. These attempts at creating racialized connections appeal to our subconscious, and that is dangerous. Negative traits like laziness have been researched and shown to be used most often to describe people of color, as opposed to positive traits that are used to describe whites. So calling Obama the food stamp president is appealing to these beliefs that some of us may not consciously think we even have.
And dare I even try to tackle the abundance of racist signs at these tea party rallies? One said “Obama’s Plan White Slavery.” Yes, because let’s pretend Obama is not half white and didn't have a white mother and countless other white family members. I am sure as President, he would want to personally be responsible for their enslavement. Or what about the common waving of the Confederate Flag at these rallies? Sorry. The Confederate flag is racist. It represented the South during the Civil War; that’s not hard to figure out. How about Republican Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn saying he didn’t even want to be associated with Mr. Obama because it was like touching a tar baby? Or the default Leader of Conservatives, Rush Limbaugh, saying Obama only had a chance of winning in 2008 because he’s black. I mean, yes, because blacks have been winning so much since our nation was founded…
…except not. The most troubling aspect of this is that the writer of this article condemning Melissa Harris-Perry is black. Lloyd Marcus is a black man from Baltimore whose father was actually almost lynched. It is tragic that such a man is clearly blind to the reality present-day racism. Throughout his article, Marcus dismisses notions of racism as just liberal fluff; things used to divide America and cause racial tensions. But all of those things I mentioned in the previous paragraph are what, not doing those things? I guess it’s ok when it is coming from Conservatives. Marcus says:
“Who is out there giving rich white men props for their many positive contributions to society? Where are their advocates?”
Um…again, I am almost speechless. But I will proceed. He is embodying how ideas of white superiority can reside in a black man as well. Let me say this to you Marcus, wealthy white men RUN EVERYTHING. Sure, President Obama was elected twice, but the majority in the Cabinet, U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate are white men, who tend to lean on the “wealthier” side. If controlling government doesn’t lend itself to “power” and “advocacy” then what does? On the business side; only 1.2% of Fortune 500 Company CEOs are black, 1.8% Latino, and 1.8% Asian. I am sure these wealthy CEO’s have a lot of power and voice in society, don’t you? Looking at crime; 1 in 15 black men are incarcerated compared to 1 in 106 white men. I do not think all these black men have so much power and voice in prison. According to the Human Rights Watch, research has shown that there are NO STUDIES showing that blacks use or sell illegal drugs more than whites. While African-Americans only make up 14% of the regular drug users in this country, they are 37% of those arrested for drugs. Again, where is there power in that?
If there is a war going on in this country, it CERTAINLY is not against wealthy white men. Those that can hire the best attorneys and get out of any situation, or those that are the top notch attorneys. The wealthy lobbyists who funnel in millions and millions of dollars to our political system to get any policy they want. The ones that will never have a child but create laws controlling women’s reproductive decisions. The ones who make millions off of radio shows or who control most of the media. Those who own sports teams and make way more money than the mostly black athletes who play for them? Big wealthy CEO’s who vacation on yachts and have million dollar bonuses, while their average worker can barely make a living? Yeah, those guys don’t really get my sympathy.
Sure, Marcus is entitled to his opinion. And maybe this won’t go down as Perry’s best segment to date, but I will support Perry over Mr. Lloyd Marcus any day. Melissa Harris Perry, like her or not, actually knows her stuff. She received a B.A. in English from Wake Forest University and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Duke. Her writings on race and politics have been published in many scholarly journals. She has been a professor at Tulane University and an associate professor at Princeton.
Lloyd, on the other hand, flunked out of the Maryland Institute College of Art. Now I know that Conservatives seem to disdain intelligence and the learned, but diving deep into these issues as Perry has, gives her a smart, complex understanding of these issues. She is able to critique things that some of us may not see, because we do not have the knowledge. Unless there is the word “nigger” spray painted on someone’s front lawn, people like Marcus do not seem to think racism is real. Well I’m sorry for him. Mr. Marcus, you run around tea party circles and you may sadly feel bad for these wealthy white men, but they probably don’t feel that bad for you and others who look like you.
The War on Rich White Men
(Lloyd Marcus) - I heard a knock on the door of my hotel room. It was Donald.“Turn on Megyn Kelly. She is reporting about an MSNBC commentator’s claim that using the term “Obamacare” is the same as calling him the N word.”
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry’s accusation is absurd. It is an obvious weak attempt to distance the president from Obamacare which is wreaking havoc in the lives of millions of Americans who are losing their health care.
What I found most disturbing and what I wish to focus on is Perry’s evil attempt to gin up hate against “wealthy white men” who she claims created the term “Obamacare” to demean and undermine the black president.
Due to the Obama Administration playing the race card to win every argument and silence opposition, America is polarized along racial lines. Perry’s false accusation is like throwing gasoline on the flames of national racial tensions; as irresponsible and cruel as screaming fire in a crowded auditorium.
Perry’s specific use of the term “wealthy white men” was insidiously strategic. Low info blacks in my family along with blacks across America will believe Perry’s nonsense to be the gospel truth. With the wave of black flash mob violence and the rising incidents of the racially motivated knockout game, the last thing we need as a nation is another black TV celeb promoting a racially charged false narrative.
Democrats and liberals like Perry have been promoting the same irresponsible, divisive and racist false narrative for decades. They claim that all evil in the world is the fault of racist, greedy, sexist and evil wealthy white men usually identified as conservative Republicans.
Perry’s rant is simply the latest blow to the chin of America’s white males by a liberal. Flash back to New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd’s 2009 article titled, “White Man’s Last Stand.” Dowd’s article excoriated white men.
Obama and company’s reelection strategy was centered around a shock-and-awe media blitz branding the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney as an evil super-wealthy racist white guy.
So, we get it. While political correctness is the unwritten law of the land, it is open season on trashing and targeting the American rich white male for destruction; even deemed morally correct and patriotic.
Who is out there giving rich white men props for their many positive contributions to society? Where are their advocates? I am sure with me being an American black man, liberals think it unconscionable that I would suggest such a thing; elevating me to “super” Uncle Tom status.
In 1895, Booker T. Washington formed a coalition of black leaders, politicians and white philanthropists (rich white guys), with a long-term goal to build the black community’s economic strength and pride by focusing on self-help, education and entrepreneurship.
Perry’s ridiculous claim that the term “Obamacare” is the new N word is laughable. The N word is defined as a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person. Sadly, American rich white men are viewed with a similar contemptuousness; despised, kicked around and unfairly mistreated.
Bottom line, Ms Perry and the whole liberal machine pushing the war on rich white men should be ashamed of themselves. The left’s hate speech is ripe with negative consequences for the lives of real people; decent folks who simply worked hard, made good choices and achieved their American Dream.
Why should they be demonized in such a way as to inspire violence against them? It simply is not right.
Lloyd Marcus
Lloyd Marcus is a Patriot and a Tea Party Hero. Singer, Songwriter, Author and Conservative.
The UK Guardian proclaims Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American. Marcus is both loved and hated for his declaration, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!” An internationally renowned prolific writer, speaker, singer/songwriter and entertainer, Marcus is seen on Fox News, CNN and more. With 10 national bus tours on Tea Party Express, Marcus has performed his original song, “American Tea Party Anthem” at over 400 tea parties; a 1.7 million live audience at the DC rally to stop Obamacare. Marcus’ albums can be purchased at www.LloydMarcus.com Marcus is author of “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America”; foreword by Michelle Malkin.
A gifted unifier, Marcus rallied conservative musicians to participate in a historic recording session. They recorded his song, “Taking Back America” featured on Marcus’ “Tea Are The World” project. “Tea Are The World” also includes 44 songs recorded by conservative bands and recording artists across America. All proceeds from “Tea Are The World” benefit, www.AmericasMightyWarriors.org Marcus is Chairman of Conservative Campaign Committee PAC whose mission is to elect conservative candidates across America. Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American, LloydMarcus.com
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