Were There Black Presidents?
By Kwaku Person-Lynn, Ph.D. The ascendancy of Senator Barack Obama as the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee has resurrected a debate that has existed for decades. There have been various rumors floating around that the United States had black presidents. Seeking clarification on this issue is trickier than it would normally seem. Several have written on this subject, including: Joel Augustus Rogers, The Five Negro Presidents; Auset Bakhufu, The Six Black Presidents - Black Blood: White Masks; and Leroy Vaughn, Black People and Their Place in History. Although most writers talk about five presidents, Bakhufu adds Dwight D. Eisenhower as the sixth. However, the most recent discussion did not involve any of the above. Around a decade ago, on several black talk radio programs, Dick Gregory was touting the subject of a black president. The headline of an article on his website is "A ‘Black’ Man, A Moor, http://www.dickgregory.com/index_hanson.html John Hanson, was the First President of the United States! 1781-1782 A.D." He had a darkened gentleman circled on the back of the two-dollar bill as John Hanson for proof. It actually turns out to be Governor George Walton, a delegate to the signing of the Declaration of Independence; the scene on the back of the two dollar bill. Gregory’s article states, "Hanson, as President, ordered all foreign troops off American soil, as well as the removal of all foreign flags. Hanson established the Great Seal of the United States, which all Presidents have since been required to use on all official documents. He declared that the fourth Thursday of every November was to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today." One variable someone did not clearly think through, America was not going to select a black president during the heart of the enslavement period. There was a John Hanson. He was the ninth president of the Continental Congress overall, and the first president of the Continental Congress to serve a full term after ratification of the Articles of Confederation. Some refer to him as the third president, but that was during the Second Continental Congress. He was Caucasian. Around 1881, after the US Congress was formed, there was a black John Hanson. He was a senator from Grand Bassa County, Liberia, America’s only Afrikan colony. He advocated for enslaved Afrikans to be sent to Liberia. This is where Gregory, a long time activist, had some confusion. Senator Hanson is the photograph Gregory mistakenly displays on his website. Hollywood, with the creative freedom to make anything possible on screen, jumped into the black president caricatures going all the way back to 1933. Sammy Davis Jr., at 7 years old, played the first black president in the musical/comedy short, "Rufus Jones for President". Things got a little more serious with stellar black actors playing presidents in feature films. Some pundits have suggested that the dignity and acceptance of the following may have provided a greater openness for a black president today: Morgan Freeman in "Impact; Dennis Haysbert in "24"; and James Earl Jones in "The Man". Chris Rock also played a black president in the comedy "Head of State". (Greg Braxton. Los Angeles Times) Many young people and some oldsters too, were probably puzzled when author Toni Morrison made the following statement about then president Bill Clinton. "In an October 1998 essay in The New Yorker, Morrison wrote: ‘Years ago, in the middle of the Whitewater investigation, one heard the first murmurs: white skin notwithstanding, this is our first black president. Blacker than any actual person who could ever be elected in our children's lifetime.’" (ABC News blog) Ms. Morrison may have a revised statement in the not to distant future. Orville R. Taylor, in an article, "Black Presidents", was more negatively cynical when he wrote, "Bill Clinton is reputed to be the first because of his stereotypical similarity to African-American men; weed, womanizing, Red Stripe beer and jazz music. Furthermore, like Obama, his father was an absentee but more cleverly hidden from public scrutiny." Before diving into the main subject, most of us were trained to have good manners, such as, "Ladies first." Let’s look at the lineage of probably the most popular first lady in American history, the former wife of President John F. Kennedy. "Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, whose blood lines, according to the historian Mario de Valdes y Cocom, goes back to the van Salees, a Muslim family of Afro-Dutch origin prominent in Manhattan in the early 1600's. (Mitchell Owens. "Surprises in the Family Tree." New York Times) An explanation is offered on how some presidents may have Afrikan ancestry. "If any branch of your family has been in America since the 17th or 18th centuries," Dr. Berlin, a professor of American history at the University of Maryland and the founding director of the Freedmen and Southern Society Project said, "it's highly likely you will find an African and an American Indian. "There were communities in 17th- and 18th-century America where blacks and whites, both free, of equal rank and shared experiences, were working together, living together, drinking and partying together, and inevitably sleeping together.’" (Owens) If there was a genetic investigation into other first ladies, surprises could come in abundance. We now turn our attention directly towards the controversial topic of undeclared black presidents. The literary standard, and the most referenced work on this subject, is Joel A. Rogers 19 page pamphlet, The Five Negro Presidents. Obviously, the one-drop rule applied here. This was a decree that defined a person black, if one drop of Afrikan ancestry was in a person’s lineage. It was used during slavery, the Jim Crow period of segregation in the South, and upheld in southern courts. One might say it is an unwritten rule today. Take the case of North Carolina congressman G. K. Butterfield. One hundred percent of anyone who sees him would, without hesitation, classify him as Caucasian. No doubt, to the surprise of many, he is black, and a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Dr. Charles B. Copher, godfather of biblical scholars of Afrikan descent, in his famous lecture, "Black People In And Of The Bible" stated "Black people range from chalk to charcoal." Rogers, in chronicling five black presidents, according to European descent sources he used, offers a strong argument that there may have been black presidents in the past. Critics claimed he did not supply enough credible evidence. He begins with Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president of the US. "The chief attack on Jefferson was in a book written by Thomas Hazard in 1867 called The Johnny Cake Papers. Hazard interviewed Paris Gardiner, who said he was present during the 1796 presidential campaign, when one speaker states that Thomas Jefferson was ‘a mean-spirited son of a half-breed Indian squaw and a Virginia mulatto father.’" Jefferson destroyed all papers, portraits and personal effects of his mother when she died. It is no secret Jefferson sired children of Afrikan descent from his favorite slave at Monticello, his residence, Sally Hemings. Modern DNA tests confirm this. A Nature Magazine article titled "Founding Father" concluded, "Almost two hundred years ago Thomas Jefferson was alleged to have fathered children by his slave Sally Hemings. The charges have remained controversial. Now, DNA analysis confirms that Jefferson was indeed the father of at least one of Hemings' children." (Eric S. Lander & Joseph J. Ellis. November 5, 1998) Andrew Jackson, the 7th president, also has a curious background. In the Virginia Magazine of History, it states that Jackson was the son of an Irish woman who married a black man. The magazine also stated that Jackson's oldest brother had been sold as a slave. (John M. Belohlavek. "Assault on the president: the Jackson-Randolph affair of 1833") Another source stated, "General Jackson’s mother was a common prostitute … brought to this country by the British soldiers! She afterward married a mulatto man, with whom she had several children, of which number General Jackson is one." (Robert Remini. Andrew Jackson) Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, was seen as the man who abolished slavery; thus, his nickname, "The Great Emancipator". His motives were other than altruistic, as well as his view that enslaved Afrikans were inferior. "I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races--that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which will ever forbid the two races living together in terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior. I am as much as any other man in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." (Sixth Debate with Steven A. Douglas at Quincy, Ill. Oct. 13, 1858) Rogers says of Lincoln, that he "was the illegitimate son of an African man. Lincoln’s mother was said to have admitted that he was the progeny of a black man. William Herndon, Lincoln's law partner, said that Lincoln had very dark skin and coarse hair and that his mother was from an Ethiopian tribe. In Herndon's book entitled The Hidden Lincoln he says that Thomas Lincoln (Lincoln’s acknowledged father) could not have been Abraham Lincoln's father because he was sterile from childhood mumps and was later castrated."
Warren Harding, the 29th
president, never denied his black heritage. "Harding
had black ancestors between both sets of parents. William Chancellor, a
white professor of economics and politics at Wooster College in Ohio, wrote
a book on the Harding family genealogy and identified Black ancestors among
both parents of President Harding. Justice Department agents allegedly
bought and destroyed all copies of this book. Chancellor also said that
Harding's only academic credentials included education at Iberia College,
which was founded in order to educate fugitive slaves." (Rogers)
Monica Haynes, of the Pittsburg
Courier wrote, in her infamous article, "Racial
heritage of six former presidents is questioned," "However, Marsha Stewart
doesn't need any professional research. Mrs. Stewart, a 60-year-old black
woman who teaches in suburban Detroit, said Mr. Harding is her cousin. She
said it's something the family always has known but didn't publicly talk
about. (February 5, 2008)
Dr. Leroy Vaughn, who quoted J.A.
Rogers liberally, stated in his book, Black People and Their Place in
World History, about Calvin Coolidge, the 30th president, "He
claimed his mother was dark because of mixed Indian ancestry. Coolidge's
mother's maiden name was ‘Moor’, in Europe the name was given to all blacks.
Dr. Auset Bakhufu says that by 1800 the New England Indian was hardly any
longer pure Indian, because they had mixed so often with Blacks."Bakhufu, in his previously mentioned out of print book, lists Dwight D. "Many of Eisenhower’s ancestors, from his mother’s side of the family, carried African names – names that were heard in and around the pyramids and temples in ancient times. Two female ancestors’ names were Hypatia, i.e., Hypatia Link and Hypatia McGhee. Hypatia was an African mathematician and teacher." (Bakhufu) Rogers, in his previous mentioned pamphlet, referred to Eisenhower as a black president, but did not mention his name. Eisenhower was still alive when he completed his work, and perhaps did not want to spark a nasty debate. However, the evidence shows Rogers was clandestinely talking about Eisenhower. He mentioned this unnamed president’s mother being born in Virginia. No other president’s mother after Harding was born there. Currently, there is no known DNA evidence on any of the previously mentioned presidents to add to the eyewitness and secondary accounts of racial identification. There was a DNA test done on President William Harding, but that was only to determine if a child was his from an alleged lover. There has been some talk, but as imagined, there is some reluctance to go ahead. The discussion is probably similar to that which took place in Kemet (Egypt) after Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, master historian, anthropologist, physicist and politician, conducted the melanin dosage test on certain royal mummies, proving they were black. Such tests are no longer allowed. Ironically, it is interesting how Senator Barack Obama’s political journey has re-ignited this topic. We can only wait to see if he becomes the first declared black president, which may serve to bring out those in the color closet, as well as give children of Afrikan descent hope that they can be whatever they choose to work hard at. There is one side effect; President’s Day may eventually have a totally different meaning. By the way, Obama, in Kiswahili (spoken in Kenya, home of his father) means ‘sent by God.’
Dr. Kwaku website:
Did You Know that the U.S. has had Five Black Presidents?
African-Americans Making History Long Before Barack Obama Decided to Run for President
When Barack Obama decided to make a bid for the highest office in the United States he was making history to this generations time when in fact there are 5 known presidents who are in fact African-American because of their ancestry. Author J.A. Rogers published a book in 1965 titled The 5 Negro Presidents: According to What White People Said They Were. This was a pamphlet sized book with the image of 29th President Warren G. Harding and his paternal grand-uncle(an African-American) Oliver Harding. Around 1963 U.S. Attorney General Robert Francis Kennedy and New York state senator Jacob K. Javits had been reported to have said that in thirty or forty years that there could well in fact be an African-American in the office of President of the United States. As anything that's already taken places since Harding was in office during the depression and on election day in 1920 people were reading in the papers that Harding was reported to be African-American because his father George Tryon Harding was biracial and his mother Phoebe Dickinson who's history according to Rogers' book was unknown was white. Most people are surprised to learn that the United States of America has had Presidents and a Vice President of African Descent. From the 17th century through the mid 19th century, the names of five presidents had been loudly proclaimed by Caucasians of those times as being of African ancestry. The information expressed on this topic was obtained from the writings of author J.A. Rogers. He was one of the most renowned writers on the topic of race mixing in the 20th century and around the world. He has written numerous books on this topic. From Superman to Man, Sex and Race, World's Greatest Men of Color, Nature Knows No Color Line, Five Negro Presidents, Africa's Gift to America, 100 Amazing Fact About The Negro With Complete Proof, etc. Bear in mind that regardless of what variation of skin hues found among people of African descent, what denotes African ancestry is the possession of 1/16 part African blood. Which if you took your self, the genetic origin of a single African gene originated 4 - 5 generations ago. Meaning you can appear to be Caucasian but still bear children of color. THOMAS JEFFERSON - He was the son of a half breed Indian squaw and a Virginia Mulatto (half African-half Caucasian) father. In a published paper of that time, "The Johnny-Cake Papers," he was called "A NIGGER." He also fathered mulatto daughters. ANDREW JACKSON - He was born on a farm in Carolina. His father was a slave on that farm. His oldest brother was sold as a slave in Carolina. His mother was Irish. ABRAHAM LINCOLN - He was said to have been the illegitimate son of a Negro by a Caucasian women named Nancy Hanks. In his campaign for the presidency, he was often referred to as a Negro and depicted as a Negro. He was called Abram Africanus the first. What gave strength to this statement was that his hair was more Negroid (wool like) that Caucasian (straight). So was his skin color. Of his father he said, "His face was round, his complexion swarthy (dark), hair, black and course, eyes brown. He described himself as having a dark complexion with course black hair and dark eyes. W.H. Herndon, his closest friend and law partner said he had "very dark skin." WARREN G. HARDING - Shortly before the 1920 election, Americans were amazed to read in the papers that Mr. Harding was a Negro. His father was George Tryon Harding, an obvious mulatto. His mother was Phobe Dickerson, a Caucasian Midwife. Extreme measures were taken by the U.S. Government to suppress this information during that time. His sister was employed in a Negro public school in Washington D.C. She also lived within the Negro community in Washington D.C. The fifth president was not named in his publication. General Colin Powell at the height of his popularity in the 1980's, during the Gulf War Campaign, stated that when history tells his story he probably wont be remembered as an African American. He will be remembered for what he did, not for who he was. And so goes the history of the United States. How many people of influence did we read about in our history classes that were of African descent and we didn't know it then or now. OTHER HISTORICAL FIGURES OF AFRICAN DESCENT HANNIBAL HAMLIN - He was Vice President to Abraham Lincoln. While a U.S. Senator from Maine, he was often verbally attacked from the floor because of his dark skin. So according to this information the United States has had a sitting President and Vice President of African Descent at the same time. But because when history is recorded, and recorded primarily by Caucasians, color is never mentioned, so it is assumed that people of that stature are always Caucasian. ALEXANDER HAMILTON - New York delegate to the Constitutional Convention (1787), major author of the Federalist papers, and first secretary of the Treasury of the United States (1789-95), who was the foremost champion of a strong central government for the new United States. His ancestry has long been disputed. He was born on the Island of Nevis in the West Indies. Native Virgin Islander's have insisted that he was colored. His brother, James (same mother, same father) also migrated to the United States where he was treated as a Negro because of his dark color and hair. He fathered two dark skinned sons. ALEXANDER PUSHKIN - Russia's greatest poet, was a direct descendant from Abram P. Hannibal, an unmixed Sudanese African. Hannibal had been adopted by Peter the Great of Russia. Hannibal's descendants married into German, Russian, Dutch and other royal families. It was stated during that time that a coal black baby might yet be born in the English royal family. WINSTON CHURCHILL - His grandmother was of African descent. She was considered 1/4th Negro. DAVID MICHAEL - Marquis of Milford Haven, cousin to the Queen of England and a direct descendant of Queen Victoria. He had black blood. His mother was the daughter of the Grand Duke Michael of Russia. |
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Monday, February 27, 2012
Did You Know that the U.S. has had Five Black Presidents?
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