Conservatives - Why do you hate Obama so much?
Obama is about as close to the right as it gets. Are you mad because of Obamacare (the change in healthcare that the majority of Americans are looking for)?
He has actually pissed off a lot of left-wingers with his middle of the road stances.
What has he actually done that has you so worked up? Or do you just always blindly vote republican no matter what?
What legislation has congress passed that Obama has vetoed? Do you
believe people like Glenn Beck or Limbaugh or do you think for yourself?
Ah, nevermind. I already know the answer.
Look. There are no death panels in the Affordable Care Act. Most people
wanted pre-existing conditions or any of the tricks the insurance
companies used to be illegal. Most people do not like the mandate to
buy insurance, but they do not want it repealed. They want it fixed.
Class Warfare is a nutty right wing bumper sticker. It doesn't mean
shit. Feel free to say that you think taxes should go up for people who
live payday to payday. I think the Bush tax cuts should be allowed to
expire. We couldn't afford those tax cuts in 2001 when Bush pushed them
through and we especially can't afford them now. The fact is that
Obama committed an error in promising to not raise taxes on people
making less than $250k. So be it. He set a bar and below that bar he
can't retreat, any more than Bush could after he said "read my lips".
"arrogance and denial to put down his critics"? Give me an example.
Did you prefer George W. Bush's method of putting down his critics? He
didn't like Joe Wilson so his administration told reporters that
Wilson's wife worked for the CIA, destroying her cover and exposing
people who had helped the US in foreign countries to potential capture
and death. The Bush administration arrested people for wearing tshirts
like "Kerry for President" or "No Blood For Oil".
FIRST have to understand the difference between a DEMOCRAT and a PROGRESSIVE! PROGRESSIVES
are commies, socialists etc. PROGRESSIVES want to take down
AMERICA..and they don't care what and who they have to go through to do
MICHAEL MOORE is a progressive. Sitting in the same booth as CARTER during the democratic convention he was asked ...what happens if OBAMA is not nominated? He said....It doesn't matter. We will go to the republicans and get a progressive from them. They do not have a party in particular...they are an umbrella over BOTH PARTIES and where the weakest link is ..that is where they put their foot in. NOTICE they didn't ask CARTER ANYTHING...just a PROGRESSIVE who is unhappy about captialism and freedom. MOORE by the way is also into CANADIAN politics....he is AGAINST ALL FREEDOM and that is what progressives do.
You can find out more about progressives by googling them.
Clintons are progressives...but they were not as strong as BOZO. The progressives hijacked the democratic party easier because they have soft spots for humanity and think government should help more than republicans do.
This is the agenda for it. I know you think this is crazy..but the world is waking up to PROGRESSIVES and it is foolish to not understand it is real when democrats voted in BROWN becasue they are ANGRY at the policies of PROGRESSIVES that are ruining their party.
You have to have an open mind here and realize who is on the progressive side. You have Axelrod, Ayers, Wright, Dunn, CIintons, Reid, Pelosi, etc...ALL who believe in Mao and Chavez etc. ALL who are against capitalism and Ayers who is not sorry he bombed and killed cops. He is only sorry he didn't do MORE DAMAGE.....
THESE are BOZO's about them...SERIOUSLY READ ABOUT THEM and you will understand who progressives are.
There is a disconnect between people who think democrats are responsible for all this and not seeing the radicals in it. THEY ARE NOT DEMOCRATS.....this is not about LIBERALS...this is about RADICAL LIBERALS.......
Read the link....and think about it....OK? You don't have to agree with it...but read it and get educated on other opinions and what is REALLY GOING ON!
MICHAEL MOORE is a progressive. Sitting in the same booth as CARTER during the democratic convention he was asked ...what happens if OBAMA is not nominated? He said....It doesn't matter. We will go to the republicans and get a progressive from them. They do not have a party in particular...they are an umbrella over BOTH PARTIES and where the weakest link is ..that is where they put their foot in. NOTICE they didn't ask CARTER ANYTHING...just a PROGRESSIVE who is unhappy about captialism and freedom. MOORE by the way is also into CANADIAN politics....he is AGAINST ALL FREEDOM and that is what progressives do.
You can find out more about progressives by googling them.
Clintons are progressives...but they were not as strong as BOZO. The progressives hijacked the democratic party easier because they have soft spots for humanity and think government should help more than republicans do.
This is the agenda for it. I know you think this is crazy..but the world is waking up to PROGRESSIVES and it is foolish to not understand it is real when democrats voted in BROWN becasue they are ANGRY at the policies of PROGRESSIVES that are ruining their party.
You have to have an open mind here and realize who is on the progressive side. You have Axelrod, Ayers, Wright, Dunn, CIintons, Reid, Pelosi, etc...ALL who believe in Mao and Chavez etc. ALL who are against capitalism and Ayers who is not sorry he bombed and killed cops. He is only sorry he didn't do MORE DAMAGE.....
THESE are BOZO's about them...SERIOUSLY READ ABOUT THEM and you will understand who progressives are.
There is a disconnect between people who think democrats are responsible for all this and not seeing the radicals in it. THEY ARE NOT DEMOCRATS.....this is not about LIBERALS...this is about RADICAL LIBERALS.......
Read the link....and think about it....OK? You don't have to agree with it...but read it and get educated on other opinions and what is REALLY GOING ON!
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