Reconnecting the Original man and woman to their Creator
By Ashahed M. Muhammad -Asst. Editor- | Last updated: Dec 2, 2009 - 1:27:25 PMMin. Farrakhan makes a point in passionate delivery of a special message to men and women Nov. 28 at Mosque Maryam. Photo: Richard B. Muhammad |
Mustapha Farrakhan, the student Supreme Captain of the Nation of Islam, said he received a call from his father, on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 7:30 a.m., in which the Minister indicated that he wanted everyone together for a joint Fruit of Islam, men's class, and M.G.T. and G.C.C. women's class, that would be open to the public.
“He said Allah put something on his heart to say to both classes,” said the man responsible for the training of the men of the Nation of Islam.
Student Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan Photo: Richard B. Muhammad |
Mustapha Farrakhan added that “havoc” exists within the Black communities nationwide, and “villains and bandits” are preying upon women and daughters because men have failed to put aside ideological differences to unite to regain control of youth. That time, he said forcefully, is over.
Muslims, including Student National Secretary Berve Muhammad, left, distribute free turkeys outside Mosque Maryam. Photo: Timothy 6X |
Despite being under the weather during the previous week, a radiant Min. Farrakhan looked strong and sounded even stronger as he spoke to a packed house at Mosque Maryam, the National Center of the Nation of Islam, in a message also viewed via internet webcast across the entire country and internationally.
The scriptural reference for his remarks was the Bible in the Book of Isaiah 3:12 which reads “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.”
The Minister explained that the verse did not actually refer to children ruling in the way children are normally thought of. It actually refers to the fact that a new people, White people, who are the children of the Original people, are ruling over the nations of the earth.
“Since the Caucasian is a new man, his civilization is new. We are an ancient people, (Whites) are like our children because they came from us,” the Minister said. “How did we get into this condition?”
Families and friends enjoyed weeked lectures at Nation of Islam headquarters. Photo: Photo: Michael Muhammad |
“In the nature of your creation, you are born to submit your will to do the will of God, so you can call yourself a Christian and we accept that; you may call yourself a Hebrew, we accept that; you may call yourself even an atheist or an agnostic, we accept that. But we know from Allah the nature of you. Since your nature is obedience to the will of God, the class has been set up to feed that nature and bring us back to that original nature which will transfer to us the power of our being. This class belongs to all of us,” said Min. Farrakhan.
Then turning to the female members of the audience, the Muslim leader said the enemy's first aim in destroying Blacks as a people was to destroy the Black woman.
Nation of Islam First Lady Khadijah Farrakhan, and daughter Maria, left, respond to Min. Farrakhan's words. Photo: Richard B. Muhammad |
Addressing problems in relationships, the Minister said the enemy has made Black men and women opponents of one another and society feeds the conflict. This can be solved by following the words of Nation of Islam founder Master Fard Muhammad who said, “Accept your own and be yourself,” he continued.
“We were born from the nature of God to complement each other,” the Minister said. “You can never be the man that you could be without her, and she could never be the woman that she is by nature born to be without a man. So we need each other but we are at war with each other because none of us are really ourselves.”
Min. Farrakhan tapped into the root of poor self-concepts, conflict and lack of productivity within Black communities—pointing out that many men and women are victims of child abuse, and sexual abuse that makes it difficult to establish proper healthy relationships, prerequisites for building strong families and strong nations.
Dealing with the aspect of the Bible verse, “women shall rule over them,” the Minister pointed out that the Black woman has become a “warrior class” in the community rearing daughters to be strong and sons to be weak. There are too few men in the community to show young Black men how to be real men, he said.
Adults and children participated in two days of inspiring teaching and fellowship. Photo: Photo: Michael Muhammad |
In addition to the spiritual food served, the Minister had 500 turkeys distributed outside the mosque at the end of the service and dinner was served at Muhammad University of Islam, which is adjacent to the beautiful house of worship. The gymnasium was full as music played and the M.G.T.&G.C.C. served a delicious meal—complete with the Nation's staple bean pie for dessert.
A capacity crowd viewed the wide ranging message from the Minister at Muhammad Mosque No. 45, the Nation's Southwestern Regional headquarters, under the direction of student Minister Robert Muhammad.
Single mother Nicole Blake enjoyed the message. “When Min. Farrakhan spoke on the struggles of single mothers, it brought me to tears because he showed me how I am tending to shelter my son a little and not able to put that manhood in him,” said Ms. Blake. “Plus, I too was molested and abused as a little girl so I bear witness to the impact he described that (it) can have on us as women. The movie ‘Precious' shed light on the issue but Min. Farrakhan brought spiritual solutions to the problem.”
Twenty-year-old college student Robert Foster had a different, but valuable, perspective. “I grew up watching my mother take care of no good men. It caused me to have a dislike for her and for non-working men. I see this as an epidemic and I am vowing to never let a woman take care of me, said Mr. Foster. “Thank you Min. Farrakhan for being a man and showing us how to be one.”
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